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PyPi Malware Stealing Discord and Roblox Payment Info

Raul Onitza-Klugman, Senior Security Researcher at Snyk, joins Kyle to take a deep dive in to the latest set of malicious packages discovered by the Snyk Security Research team. Join us as we discuss how these findings came to be, what they mean for open source security, and some hypotheses about the future of supply chain security.

Stranger Danger: Your Java Attack Surface Just Got Bigger

Building Java applications today means that we take a step further from writing code. We use open-source dependencies, create a Dockerfile to deploy containers to the cloud, and orchestrate this infrastructure with Kubernetes. Welcome, you're a cloud native application developer! As developers, our responsibility broadened, and more software means more software security concerns for us to address.

8 tips for securing containers from source to runtime

Today we’re announcing a new container security cheat sheet and report — created in collaboration with our partner Sysdig. Download cheatsheet In this post, we’ll outline tips to help you successfully navigate the challenges of container security with a focus on three core principles: Traditional security approaches are incapable of handling the distributed and ephemeral nature of containers.

Keeping Docker secrets secure (even if you're not using Kubernetes)

Distributed containerized systems compose applications, resources, services, databases, and other artifacts. These components often need sensitive information such as user keys, passwords, API keys, and certificates to function properly. Secrets management is critical for adequately handling sensitive information and Kubernetes deployments often utilize their built-in Secrets resource type and associated RBAC controls but what if you aren’t deploying on Kubernetes?

Rediscovering argument injection when using VCS tools - git and mercurial

One of the main goals for this research was to explore how it is possible to execute arbitrary commands even when using a safe API that prevents command injection. The focus will be on Version Control System (VCS) tools like git and hg (mercurial), that, among some of their options, allow the execution of arbitrary commands (under some circumstances). The targets for this research are web applications and library projects (written in any programming language) that call these commands using a safe API.

How open source C++ code can introduce security risks

Open source libraries and frameworks are a great way to jump-start development projects. Open source empowers developers to do some great things without reinventing the wheel and developing solutions for problems that have already been solved. However, adding any code to a project carries an inherent risk of introducing potential vulnerabilities that may have made their way into it through error or malice.

The dangers of assert in Python

There are many ways to find bugs in Python code: the built-in debugger (pdb), a healthy amount of unit tests, a debugger in an IDE like Pycharm or Visual Studio, try/catch statements, if/else statements, assert statements, or the tried and true practice of covering every inch of your codebase in print() statements like it’s going out of style. Assert statements can help us catch bugs quickly and are far less intrusive than copious amounts of print statements.

Signing Kubernetes with Sigstore

Adolfo García Veytia, Staff Software Engineer at ChainGuard and Tech Lead on the Kubernetes SIG-Release team, joins Eric and Kyle to talk about how they were able to tackle signing all of the Kubernetes v1.24 image artifacts using Sigstore. Then we will demonstrate signing an image and vulnerability scan result attestations with Sigstore's cosign utility.