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Must To Know Secure Java Development Practices

Java is a top-notch software development technology, that gets highly used for curating desktop, mobile, and web-based applications. According to enlyft, 455,000+ companies are using applications based on java. But, with the introduction of newer technologies, hackers have become more competent in breaching and java apps are one of their primary targets. And the main reason behind it is the occurrence of loopholes in it, including the Spring4Shell/Springshell vulnerability.

11 Tips for Unit Testing in Java

Unit testing is an important part of software development and is considered a crucial step in ensuring the quality and accuracy of the code. It helps in identifying bugs and issues early on in the development cycle, which ultimately results in delivering high-quality software. Java is renowned for being one of the most versatile languages in programming, and it offers a wide selection of unit testing frameworks and tools.

Mitigating path traversal vulns in Java with Snyk Code

Path traversal is a type of security vulnerability that can occur when a web application or service allows an attacker to access server files or directories that are outside the intended directory structure. This can lead to the unauthorized reading or modification of sensitive data.

Resolving CVE-2022-1471 with the SnakeYAML 2.0 Release

In October of 2022, a critical flaw was found in the SnakeYAML package, which allowed an attacker to benefit from remote code execution by sending malicious YAML content and this content being deserialized by the constructor. Finally, in February 2023, the SnakeYAML 2.0 release was pushed that resolves this flaw, also referred to as CVE-2022-1471. Let’s break down how this version can help you resolve this critical flaw.

How To Do Unit Testing In Java

Unit testing is a crucial aspect of software development and helps to ensure that individual units of code are working as intended. In Java, the most popular framework for unit testing is JUnit. In this article, we will go over the basics of how to write and run unit tests in Java using the popular testing framework, as well as some best practices for unit testing.

How to Test a Java Application

Creating effective test cases and the right testing strategy for Java applications can be a time-consuming and complex task. This is where specialized testing solutions come in. With the right setup, developers can catch bugs early in the development process, before they become more difficult and expensive to fix. Additionally, testing methods can help identify and mitigate security vulnerabilities, which is critical for protecting sensitive data and maintaining the integrity of the application.

My New Year's Resolution As A Java Dev | Code Intelligence

Join me on a journey to improve Java development skills and learn about a new software testing approach called fuzz testing. In this series, I'll share my experiences using fuzz testing tools like CI Fuzz, OWASP Zap, OSS-Fuzz, and Jazzer to hunt for bugs and vulnerabilities in Java software. I'll also delve into the world of CVE hunting and best practices for uncovering common web vulnerabilities like Denial of Service and Remote Code Execution. Subscribe to stay updated on new episodes and get access to helpful links, tools, and blog posts. Let's improve our Java skills together!

Effective Unit Testing for Java Applications: Common Challenges and Solutions | Code Intelligence

In this video, I discuss the challenges of managing dependencies and libraries in Java software development projects and the importance of running unit tests. However, I also dig deeper into the limitations of unit tests and the importance of supplementing them with other forms of testing. In the second part of the video, I introduce fuzz testing as a complementary approach to unit testing and give an example of how I was able to replicate a Remote Code Execution CVE in HyperSQL within just a few minutes, using an open-source fuzz testing tool, called CI Fuzz CLI.

How to Find Bugs In Java at Scale With CI Fuzz CLI and JUnit | Code Intelligence

In this video, I demonstrate how to use CI Fuzz CLI, a simple and easy-to-use fuzz testing tool, to find unexpected bugs and vulnerabilities in Java software. I walk through the process of setting up and running a fuzz test, including creating a configuration file, adding dependencies to a Maven project, and writing JUnit-compatible fuzz tests. If you're interested in learning more about fuzz testing as a complementary approach to unit testing, this video is for you.

Going Beyond Unit Testing | How to Uncover Blind Spots in your Java Code with Fuzzing

Check out to try out the tool for yourself! While most Java developers already use unit testing to test whether their application behaves as expected, complementary testing approaches such as fuzz testing enable them to also check their applications for unexpected or strange behaviors that could lead to crashes and make them vulnerable to Denial of Service (Dos) attacks or Zero-Day exploits.