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Java JSON deserialization problems with the Jackson ObjectMapper

In a previous blog post, we took a look at Java’s custom serialization platform and what the security implications are. And more recently, I wrote about how improvements in Java 17 can help you prevent insecure deserialization. However, nowadays, people aren’t as dependent on Java’s custom serialization, opting instead to use JSON. JSON is the most widespread format for data serialization, it is human readable and not specific to Java.

Java Security Tip: Sanitize user input

Java Security Quick Tip: Always santize user input before you display it in your web app. Displaying user input wideout proper validation or sanitization can lead to cross-site scripting security issues. With the OWASP Encoder library, you can escape scripts and be positive that they will not be executed in the users' browser. In this video I will answer the following questions Snyk helps software-driven businesses develop fast and stay secure. Continuously find and fix vulnerabilities for Java and many other languages.

Proactively fixing vulnerabilities to maintain Java security and project hygiene with Snyk

As a developer, I spend a lot of time in my GitHub account. I write apps, little utilities, and proof of concepts for when I am learning something new. I like to think that, because I spend a lot of time on GitHub, the overall health of my account is pretty high.

New Java 17 features for improved security and serialization

In December 2020, I wrote the article Serialization and deserialization in Java: explaining the Java deserialize vulnerability about the problems Java has with its custom serialization implementation. The serialization framework is so deeply embedded inside Java that knowing how dangerous some implementation can be is important. Insecure deserialization can lead to arbitrary code executions if a gadget chain is created from your classpath classes.

Top 10 Spring Security best practices for Java developers

If you’ve reached this page, you’re probably familiar with Spring and its basic mechanisms already. From its inception in 2002, Spring has become one of the dominant frameworks to build any kind of web application in Java. Web applications usually are the biggest interface between a company and its users—both internal and external. When security is neglected at the developer level, applications can become very desirable targets to hackers.

Digital Signatures Using Java

This is the ninth entry in blog series on using Java Cryptography securely. We started off by looking at the basics of Java Cryptography Architecture, assembling one crypto primitive after other in posts on Cryptographically Secure Random Number Generator, symmetric & asymmetric encryption/decryption & hashes. In the meantime, we had to catchup with cryptographic update in latest versions of Java. Having looked at some of the most common symmetric cryptography based applications a.k.a.

The Simplest way to Secure your Java Maven Project

Can I scan for security vulnerabilities using Maven? How can I integrate security scanning in my Maven build? How to monitor for security vulnerabilities with every Java build? Scanning the dependencies for known security vulnerabilities in your project is essential. The ideal time to start checking your dependencies is the very moment you import them! To that end, we created the Snyk Maven plugin so you can now scan your application for security vulnerabilities in third-party libraries as part of your build cycle—putting security expertise in the hands of developers.

Why you should upgrade to Maven version 3.8.1

If you are working in the Java ecosystem and building your applications with an older Maven version, this message is for you. Check your Maven version by typing mvn -version! If you are still running on an old Maven version like 3.6.3 or below you definitely need to upgrade to version 3.8.1 because of security reasons. Be aware that to run Maven 3.8.1, Java 7 is required. Luckily we found out in the JVM Ecosystem report 2021 that not many people work with Java 6 or below.