Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


How cloud engineering teams use Elastic Observability and Tines to optimize resources

Many of our customers use Tines and Elastic to scale security operations efforts, integrate context and data enrichment into alerts, and investigate and react to alerts faster. Today, we'll explore how these two platforms, working together, help cloud engineers drive cost savings for the organization, while maintaining optimal performance.

Stop SOAR From Killing Your SOC Budget With Hyperautomation

Cyberthreats are escalating and SOC budgets are tightening. It’s a recipe for disaster, that is, unless you take advantage of new technologies that keep both in check. The fact is, businesses are now spending nearly a third of their cybersecurity budget towards running an in-house SOC, averaging out to $2.86 million per year, according to Ponemon.

The NFL's George Griesler on securing the Super Bowl and reducing risk through collaboration

In this week’s episode of The Future of Security Operations podcast, Thomas is joined by George Griesler. George has been working in cybersecurity since 1997, when he assumed the role of Senior Network administrator at the United States Golf Association (USGA), eventually advancing to Director of Information Security. He currently serves as the Senior Director of Cybersecurity at the National Football League (NFL), where he works to secure events like the Super Bowl, which in 2024 was the most-watched telecast ever.

The NFL's George Griesler on securing the Super Bowl and reducing risk through collaboration

In this week’s episode of The Future of Security Operations podcast, I'm joined by George Griesler. George has been working in cybersecurity since 1997, when he assumed the role of Senior Network administrator at the United States Golf Association (USGA), eventually advancing to Director of Information Security.

No More SuckOps: How Hyperautomation is Transforming SOC Analysts' Lives Forever

Today’s SOC analysts are drowning in myriad notifications. They’re trying to parse what’s real, what matters, and what’s a genuine threat to the organization. This exhausting daily routine is significantly contributing to job dissatisfaction and the high turnover rate in SecOps teams. But there’s a major new innovation that solves it: AI-driven hyperautomation.

How to Save Your SOC Analysts From Alert Fatigue

SecOps teams face an unyielding barrage of security signals raised by various systems and tools. It’s estimated that 56% of large companies receive 1,000 or more alerts per day. SOC analysts are expected to wade through these alerts and determine which ones are important, which are low priority, and which are imperative. According to IDC, 83% of cybersecurity employees say they’re struggling to cope with the overwhelming alert volume.

Remediating Mars' Cloud Security Risks with Wiz & Tines

93% of security practitioners believe that more automation would improve the work they produce. Join us as we explore how Mars used Tines & Wiz to identify and remediate security risks within their cloud infrastructure with automated workflows. Along with insights on how to leverage Tines and Wiz, webinar attendees will hear directly from Mars about the impact these platforms have had on their business resilience and security culture.

Friday Flows Episode 24: Verify Crowdstrike is present on new devices in Jamf

Great Friday Flows today with Conor Dunne. He built this story to send notifications when a new device is enrolled in Jamf, check CrowdStrike to see if the device is also located there, and respond to a Slack thread with the findings. They have impressively: Reduced workflow build time by 95%, compared to Python Have 4x more team members automating Saved 150 hours in the first month of using Tines.

Enhancing Cyber Defenses: The Benefits of Hyperautomation in Cybersecurity

Cyber threats are constantly evolving and becoming increasingly sophisticated, and organizations are continuously searching for ways to fortify their cybersecurity defenses. One approach that has gained significant traction is hyperautomation. Hyperautomation, which automates once-manual security workflows and processes, enhances cybersecurity posture, streamlines security operations, and effectively mitigates risks.