Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Securing Exchange Server OWA & ActiveSync - Proactive Security with EventSentry

With the proper auditing enabled (Logon/Logoff – Logon (Failure)) and EventSentry installed however, we can permanently block remote users / hosts who attempt to log on too many times with a wrong password. Setting this up is surprisingly simple.

Egnyte GDPR Compliance Solution

The key to GDPR accountability is forming an organized and transparent data plan. And that’s where we come in. Egnyte provides businesses with fast, adaptable and comprehensive support for GDPR compliance. Fast in that we’re up and running almost instantly, without hardware upgrades or software maintenance. Adaptable thanks to our European data center supporting businesses facing data residency restrictions. And comprehensive in that we’re the only service able to classify personal data from all 28 EU countries.

Stanchion and INETCO Webinar: 3 Ways to Improve Early Warning Fraud Detection at the ATM

Are you ready to combat the next generation of advanced persistent threats? Following a major data security breach, one of the largest financial services groups in Africa asked for help in architecting and implementing a stronger first line of defense against fraud at ATMs.