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Threat Actors in Critical Infrastructure: New Trends and Risk Factors

In this on-demand webcast, guest presenter Mike Chaney, who supports the DHS, National Cybersecurity & Communications Integration Center (NCCIC), and David Meltzer, Tripwire CTO, will share best practices to reduce the likelihood and severity of incidents that may significantly compromise the security and resilience of the critical infrastructure.

Application Discovery and Inventory with ImmuniWeb

ImmuniWeb® Discovery is a part of the ImmuniWeb Application Security Testing Platform. Leveraging big data and a non-intrusive OSINT reconnaissance technology, it quickly builds a comprehensive list of your external web and mobile apps for actionable inventory, continuous monitoring, risk and compliance management.

ImmuniWeb AI Application Security Testing Platform Overview

ImmuniWeb® Platform is The Turnkey Service for Application Security Testing. ImmuniWeb® Platform leverages Machine Learning and AI for intelligent automation and acceleration of Application Security Testing (AST). Complemented by scalable and cost-effective manual testing, it detects the most sophisticated vulnerabilities and comes with a zero false-positives SLA.