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Who's Responsible for Industrial Cybersecurity and Securing OT Environments?

Who are the key stakeholders involved when it comes to securing OT environments? Kristen Polous, General Manager of Industrial Cybersecurity at Tripwire, discusses who should be responsible for ICS security and how these stakeholders can work together to address cyber risks.

The Biggest Challenge Affecting Industrial Cybersecurity Organizations

Implementing a robust cybersecurity program is no small feat, especially for critical infrastructure organizations. Kristen Polous, General Manager of Industrial Cybersecurity at Tripwire, shares the number one challenge affecting industrial cybersecurity customers today and how to overcome it.

Undetected E02, Fredrik Almroth - Are Bug Bounties a buzzword?

One could argue that bug bounties are a buzzword in security today, but what are they and what are they good for? In this episode, Laura is joined by the talented security researcher and detectify co-founder Fredrik N. Almroth (@almroot on twitter). If you can name it, Fredrik has probably hacked them including companies like Facebook, Tesla, Dropbox and Uber. Tune in for a dive deep into Fredrik's past as a bug bounty hunter and discuss how both companies and bug bounty hunters can get started in the field of Crowdsourced Security, as well as where the bug bounty industry is headed.

Coronavirus and Risk Management

As news and information regarding the #coronavirus continue to emerge, the situation has raised many #questions around pandemic and #crisis planning for businesses. By #investing now in the development, implementation, and maintenance of a viable business continuity management (BCM) program, organizations can provide the most #effective approach to restoring and resuming critical and essential functions and processes. ................