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The 443 Podcast - Episode 288 - Cisco ArcaneDoor Attack

This week on the podcast, we cover a nation-state backed attack against Cisco ASA appliances which Cisco TALOS themselves have dubbed "ArcaneDoor." After that, we discuss a phishing tookit being used to target LastPass users before ending with a new way to deliver malware payloads using legitimate services. The 443 Security Simplified is a weekly podcast that gets inside the minds of leading white-hat hackers and security researchers, covering the latest cybersecurity headlines and trends.

Understanding Allostatic Load: The Cumulative Stress in Cybersecurity | Razorthorn Security

Understanding Allostatic Load: The Cumulative Stress in Cybersecurity | Razorthorn Security Explore the concept of allostatic load—the cumulative stress that affects cybersecurity professionals not just at work, but across all aspects of life. This episode of the Razorwire Podcast dives into how personal and professional stresses compound, impacting overall health and work performance. Discover why recognizing and managing this cumulative stress is crucial for maintaining mental and physical health, and why the cybersecurity industry needs to provide better support and tools for self-care.

Building a Resilient Culture in Cybersecurity: Lessons from Pixar | Razorthorn Security

Discover the secret to sustained high performance through the lens of successful organizations like Pixar, known for their healthy, resilient corporate culture. This episode of the Razorwire Podcast highlights how de-stigmatizing failure and treating mistakes as learning opportunities can lead to greater success. Learn how these principles can be applied within the information security industry to foster a culture that not only supports but also thrives on the inevitable challenges and mistakes inherent in cybersecurity work.

Unlocking Success: Neerja Bajaj's Data-Driven Revolution at Brivo

Dive into the heart of Brivo's innovation with Neerja Bajaj, the visionary behind our data-driven solutions. 🛠️🌟 In this exclusive video, we explore how Brivo's commitment to data collection and insights has been a game-changer in developing successful solutions for smart spaces technology. 🚀🌐 From the drawing board to real-world applications, discover the strategies and tools that have positioned Brivo as a leader in the industry for over two decades. 🌟📈

Stages of Burnout in Cybersecurity: Recognising the Signs | Razorthorn Security

Unpack the stages of burnUnpack the stages of burnout in the demanding field of cybersecurity out in the demanding field of cybersecurity with this detailed analysis from the Razorwire Podcast. Explore how high energy and engagement initially characterize effective work, but can degrade into ineffectiveness, overextension, and ultimately, disengagement. This episode delves into the psychological progression of burnout, emphasizing the critical point where professionals feel they can no longer manage alone, highlighting the importance of seeking help.

The Hidden Psychological Toll of Cybersecurity Work | Razorthorn Security

Dive into the psychological demands of cybersecurity in this insightful episode of the Razorwire Podcast. Learn how the brain's natural defense mechanisms, such as the amygdala's response to perceived threats, contribute to high burnout rates among cybersecurity professionals. This discussion sheds light on the continuous state of vigilance required in cybersecurity roles and the challenges faced when seeking necessary resources from leadership. Discover why cybersecurity isn't just about technology but also involves battling the ingrained human responses to constant threats.