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Enforce Docker Image CIS Policy Compliance with Tripwire for DevOps

We are working hard adding features to our new Tripwire for DevOps service, initially announced at BlackHat 2018. If you are a loyal State of Security follower, last you read we added Auditing for Amazon Machine Images (aka AMIs). Today, we are introducing CIS policy compliance auditing for Docker images. Tripwire for DevOps allows you to evaluate your Docker Images to check for policy compliance at build time.

How to Defend Your IoT Devices from IoT Botnets

The Internet of Things (IoT) is changing how the world works. Machine to machine (M2M) communication simply makes for faster, more timely, and transparent connections, thereby saving us a lot of time and money. In the hands of the right people, the IoT has great potential to improve quality of life. But some people have found a way to exploit the IoT for their own gain. They do this through the IoT botnet.

Security Orchestration, Automation, And Response (SOAR) Overview

As per Gartner definition, SOAR is the set of technologies that allow enterprises to collect security threats’ alerts and data from multiple sources, and then perform incident analysis and remediation process by using both human skills and machine power together to help in defining, prioritizing, and driving standardized incident response activities in accordance with a standard workflow.

Balancing Data Security and Accessibility

Keeping pace with change. Out with the old, in with the disruptive. Digital disruption has changed every aspect of business and now more than ever, people are paying close attention to the way businesses approach data security. During the 2018 Egnyte Customer Summit, industry leaders presented compelling insight into how the data landscape is evolving and how businesses are being forced to adapt.

Bots: how worried should we be?

Prove you are a human. If you think about that sentence for too long, you realise it’s actually incredibly complex and can bring about a sense of existential angst. Yet, it’s something that is demanded of us on a near daily basis, sometimes more. It turns out, proving our humanity doesn’t require showing the capacity to love, or even passing Blade Runner’s Voight-Kampff test. Rather, we just need to be able to click on pictures of cars or shop fronts.

Apache Struts Vulnerabilities vs Spring Vulnerabilities

Developers the world over depend on the Apache Struts open source framework to build valuable and powerful applications. This open source component and the Apache Software Foundation that stands behind it have provided organizations with a cost-effective force multiplier that allows their teams to develop faster and more efficiently. A very active project, GitHub shows Apache Struts as having 5,441 commits and 112 releases.

Infrastructure Modernization for Future Efficiency

So what exactly is Infrastructure Modernization? “Infrastructure Modernization” is fast becoming the new buzz-term in business IT, but since it was coined there’s been some questions as to what it really means, why it’s becoming increasingly important, and what can be done to address the challenges it raises.

Announcing: Egnyte for Gmail Integration

If Gmail is your preferred email platform, we’ve got some exciting news for you. A few months ago, we quietly released the first part of our integration with Gmail. The integration enables users to save email attachments to Egnyte without leaving their inbox. It offers a simple way to keep attachments organized, accessible and easy to share with colleagues.