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Using SIEM Integrations for Robust Cybersecurity

The average cost of a cyberattack in the United States is 9.5 million. With over 60% of businesses going bankrupt after experiencing a severe data breach, robust security measures to safeguard organizations’ digital assets and operations are urgently needed. A powerful tool gaining significant traction in addressing these challenges is Security Information and Event Management (SIEM).

Navigating Network Security: A Structured Approach to Security Testing

Companies must prioritise a comprehensive and proactive approach to network security. Among the most effective strategies to ensure robust defence mechanisms is rigorous penetration testing. By adopting an “assumed breach” mentality, organisations can better prepare for potential attacks, ensuring they are not merely reacting to threats but actively preventing them.

Salt Security Addresses Critical OAuth Vulnerabilities Enhancing API Security with OAuth Protection Package

OAuth is an important part of modern authorization frameworks, granting access to resources across different applications easily. However, vulnerabilities in OAuth implementations can create significant security risks. Following research released by Salt labs that uncovered critical vulnerabilities in the world's most popular authorization mechanism, Salt has released a multi-layered protection package to detect attempts to exploit OAuth and proactively fix the vulnerabilities.

The Impact of PCI DSS 4.0 on Organizational Penetration Testing Strategies

PCI DSS version 4.0 recently took effect on March 31, 2024, and includes no less than 63 new requirements. This is the first update of the information security standard designed to defend against payment and credit card fraud since the release of PCI DSS v3.2 eight years ago.

AI-Assisted Phishing Attacks Are on the Rise

Threat actors are increasingly using generative AI tools to improve their phishing campaigns, according to a new report from Zscaler. “AI represents a paradigm shift in the realm of cybercrime, particularly for phishing scams,” the researchers write. “With the aid of generative AI, cybercriminals can rapidly construct highly convincing phishing campaigns that surpass previous benchmarks of complexity and effectiveness.

The Argument for Enterprise-Wide Ad Blocking

The concept of enterprise-wide ad blocking always provokes a powerful response. Whenever I suggest, even casually, that the next step organizations should take to improve cybersecurity posture is implementing enterprise-wide ad blocking, I can hear the collective screams of sysadmins and help desk personnel everywhere — Websites could have compatibility issues! How will we manage it? Users won’t understand! It could be a help desk nightmare! And you know what? They are absolutely right.