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Information Security Policy: Must-Have Elements and Tips

Organizations often create multiple IT policies for a variety of needs: disaster recovery, data classification, data privacy, risk assessment, risk management and so on. These documents are often interconnected and provide a framework for the company to set values to guide decision-making and responses. Organizations also need an information security policy. This type of policy provides controls and procedures that help ensure that employees will work with IT assets appropriately.

Nightfall simplifies data security & HIPAA compliance for SimpleHealth

SimpleHealth takes their company name to heart. They are a reproductive tele-health company, focused on building thoughtful and impactful services that enable patients to own their reproductive health journey. Today, the core vertical is an online birth control prescription and free home delivery service.

ICYM: 4 SaaS Security Lessons to Keep Top of Mind in 2021

At the end of 2020, we hosted a webinar alongside Sisense’s Chief Security & Trust Officer, Ty Sbano titled Securing Best of Breed SaaS applications in 2021. The discussion focused on reviewing the most important security trends of last year and how that should inform security programs this year. As 2021 continues to progress, these are the 4 trends and lessons we think are worth keeping in mind.

CISO Insider S1E6 - CISO Insider Season 1 recap

At Nightfall, we believe in the power of learning from those who have done it before. That’s why we created CISO Insider — a podcast interview series that features CISOs and security executives with a broad set of backgrounds, from hyper-growth startups to established enterprises. Through these interviews, we’ll learn how industry experts overcame obstacles, navigated their infosec careers, and created an impact in their organizations.

Modernizing Your Data Protection Strategy

Sharing data is the basis for all business processes and what drives operations and productivity. Today, more than 50% of organizations’ data is in the cloud and the typical enterprise now deploys more than 2,400 cloud applications. Concurrently, data protection remains the nexus between cloud apps, web services, and an increasingly larger number of remote users in support of modern business initiatives.

7 data leak prevention tips for 2021

A news feed isn't complete if it isn't peppered with data breach news. Every day prestigious businesses are falling victim to a pernicious threat expected to cost the world $10.5 trillion annually by 2025. The key to overturning the formidable upward data breach trend is to prevent the events that could potentially develop into data breaches. All data leaks need to be identified and remediated before they are discovered by cybercriminals.

Business Continuity: How to Plan for the Worst

If the last year has taught us anything, “hope for the best and plan for the worst” should be the new mantra of business owners and IT professionals. No one could have predicted the global pandemic that wreaked havoc on industries and businesses around the world; yet, those companies with a business continuity plan were far better off than those without one.

Sensitive Data and Examples | GDPR Personal Data

This is your go-to reference for examples of sensitive data, definition and GDPR personal data including how to identify, classify and protect sensitive data. Highlights It is now easy to access information relating to an individual from the north pole to the south pole with a fast-moving world. You have ever wondered how your personal information is protected or even handled?

CISO Insider S1E5 - "There's no one way to be a CISO" with Ross Young

At Nightfall, we believe in the power of learning from those who have done it before. That’s why we created CISO Insider — a podcast interview series that features CISOs and security executives with a broad set of backgrounds, from hyper-growth startups to established enterprises. Through these interviews, we’ll learn how industry experts overcame obstacles, navigated their infosec careers, and created an impact in their organizations.

Cloud DLP and Regulatory Compliance: 3 Things You Must Know

It’s well-established that a data breach is an extremely costly event. By some estimates, a data leak can cost a small to medium-sized business more than $7.68 million per incident. Compliance regimes may seem burdensome, but the goal of these policies is to prevent a devastating data breach that can bankrupt a business and cause myriad problems for consumers.