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Security with a High Engineer-to-AppSec Ratio: Insights from Jeevan Singh

Navigating the delicate balance between an expanding number of engineers and the imperative for robust Application Security (AppSec) practices is no small feat. In this interview, we delve into the invaluable perspective of Jeevan Singh, the Director of Security Engineering at Rippling, the #1 workforce management platform. He shares insights and strategies that have allowed him in his career to successfully navigate the intricate maze of security amidst a high engineer-to-AppSec ratio.

Leveraging OpenAPI as a Core Element of API and Application Security

An application’s attack surface is the sum of all the areas of an application which could be attacked by malicious attackers. This includes the application’s APIs, the underlying code, supporting infrastructure, and any other components which could be compromised. The goal for any organization is to reduce the attack surface area by discovering and minimizing potential vulnerabilities.
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How Unsecured APIs Can Eat Up Retail Revenue

The retail sector has experienced transformational change with the introduction and widespread adoption of digital technology. The sector has seen an extreme level of transformation; from physical storefronts, through the early days of internet retailing, all the way up to the modern retail and eCommerce ecosystem. This transformation has required the adoption of new technology at each stage, with APIs the current foundational building block, enabling the necessary connections between retailers, consumers and the supply chain. However, given the resulting amount of personal identifiable information (PII) on offer, retail is an extremely attractive target for cybercriminals to exploit vulnerabilities for financial gain.

Introducing Bearer Assistant

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a hot topic these days, especially across the security industry. There's hardly a day when we don't read about its potential to create an impact on our lives, for better or worse. As a security company, we truly believe in the potential of AI, but we didn't want to jump into the deep end without careful consideration as we followed the buzz with a healthy amount of skepticism.

Bolstering API Security: Introducing Wallarm's API Attack Surface Management (AASM)

In the fast-paced digital world, think of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) as the threads that stitch together the fabric of our tech ecosystems. They're often overlooked, quietly ensuring that your apps communicate seamlessly and keep the digital world running smoothly. The majority of organizations grapple with a common challenge — limited visibility into their public API attack surfaces.

Noname Security Platform Updates: November 2023

We are excited to provide the latest news and features about the Noname Security platform. These features help you protect your APIs from a broader range of attacks, improve your security posture, and simplify your API security operations. In this blog post, we’ll dive into the latest updates that will redefine how you interact with our product across the four pillars — Runtime Security, Discovery, Posture Management, and Active Testing.

Wallarm to Unveil New API Security Solution and Strategic Shift at Black Hat Europe 2023

If you're involved with cybersecurity and are based in Europe, then Black Hat Europe 2023 in London, December 6 and 7 is a must-attend event. Wallarm, the experts in API and Application Security, will be attending the event, and we're excited to connect with you. If you are planning to attend, come by our booth or feel free to schedule a slot to meet with our API and App Security experts.