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Securing the Keystone: Active Directory Privileged Access Management

The biggest problem with granting too many permissions is that you may be delegating the right to grant permissions. In the realm of cybersecurity, few areas are as critical as managing privileged access. Privileged accounts, often referred to as the "keys to the kingdom," have the power to unlock and control vast portions of an organization's IT infrastructure.

Privilege Escalation and Identity in the Age of AI: Leveraging PAM for Enhanced Security

The intersection of privilege escalation and identity is taking on new dimensions with the advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI). As AI becomes increasingly integrated into our lives, it both challenges and reinforces existing notions of privilege and identity. In this blog, we'll explore what privilege escalation means in the context of AI and how it influences our understanding of personal and societal identities.

Active Directory and Microsoft Entra ID (Azure AD): A Question of Privilege

Directories, particularly your Microsoft directories, are where it all starts. Active Directory and Microsoft Entra ID (formerly, Azure AD) contain accounts, computers and resources that form the cornerstone of your IT security infrastructure. At One Identity, we are speaking with more and more organizations coming to the realization that Active Directory, however "legacy", is more crucial than ever.

Revolutionizing continuous governance

In an era where data security and access management are crucial, organizations are constantly on the lookout for modern ways to enhance their governance strategies. What if you could not only manage user identities and access rights but also extend this governance to protect privileged access, applications, cloud infrastructure and data? What if there was a comprehensive identity governance framework that could integrate and manage all your systems seamlessly?

Invest in PAM to reduce your Cyber Insurance premiums

Cyber insurance has become a key component of risk management for many organizations. However, it can be difficult to keep up with cyber insurance requirements and avoid high premiums. One of the best ways to secure better cyber insurance coverage and premiums is by implementing a solid Privileged Access Management (PAM) solution.

The Case for Single-Tenant SaaS for IGA

More and more organizations are moving towards a cloud-first strategy where they look to move their on-premises applications to SaaS offerings. This is especially true for customers looking to streamline their on-premises Identity Governance and Administration (IGA) application via a move to the Cloud.

How to revoke access for unwanted guests in Azure Active Directory

Do your house guests still have access to your home after they’ve left, or overstayed their welcome? No, right? You would throw them out or take the keys back because they no longer require access. Guests in Azure are like house guests. Once they no longer need access, it's then time to take back the key so they no longer have access to the company's data and connected apps. Yet many organizations are inadvertently leaving themselves at risk of supply chain attacks.

Just in Time Privilege Elevation in Active Directory

In my days of AD administration, there was always a need for a select set of sysadmins to be granted high levels of permissions. In AD, this is typically a separate user admin account that is a member of the Domain Admins Active Directory group. There are a few other groups that are highly privileged(i.e. Enterprise Admins and Schema Admins) but the permissions required by these groups are generally more specific and therefore less populated.

Unlock the power of identity governance with cloud-based IGA

In today's interconnected and rapidly evolving digital landscape, managing and securing identities within an organization has become paramount. The traditional approach to identity governance and administration (IGA) often falls short, leading to inefficiencies, security vulnerabilities and compliance challenges. However, with the advent of cloud-based IGA solutions, businesses can now unlock a new level of power, scalability and flexibility.

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The Coming Quantum Computing Storm: How can Identity best prepare?

During the last 20 years many areas of technology development seemed to speed up dramatically. Identity management as part of cybersecurity, has undergone an incredible transformation, at a rate which no one could have predicted. But few areas moved as fast as quantum computing is developing today. The speed of progress is impressive with advances in capability, which once seemed near impossible, being achieved in relatively short time frames.