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November 2021

Prepare for the next phase of work from anywhere security

What are some of the steps you take to continuously ensure data loss isn’t an issue and what can others do to stay ahead of the problem? Hear from Tom Davison, Senior Director of Security Engineering, and Nick Sears, VP Sales SASE Solutions at Lookout to find out how to keep your data secure with Lookout's SASE, CASB, and ZTNA.

Cyber Insurance: New Coverage Restrictions Expected in 2022

Get ready for upcoming changes to cyber insurance policies. Due to risk associated with the increase in remote work, insurers are more likely to initiate in-depth cybersecurity risk analyses of companies seeking to purchase or renew policies, the Wall Street Journal reports. The adoption of stringent privacy regulations in the United States and abroad could also justify additional scrutiny by insurance companies during the initial underwriting and renewal process.

3 Tips for Negotiating Permanent Flexible Work Status

It’s finally happening. More than a year after embarking on “the world’s largest work-from experiment,” many businesses are bringing people back to the office. For some, this is excellent news. They’ve been looking forward to highway commutes, in-person meetings, and always valuable watercooler talk. These people are in the minority.

Remote Work and Cybersecurity in the Legal Industry: What to Know

The COVID-19 pandemic changed many aspects of how businesses operate, remote work being one of the most significant. At the outbreak’s peak, 71% of American workers telecommuted at least part-time, 62% of whom rarely worked remotely before. This shift has impacted many industries, but the legal sector faces more disruption than most. Legal work rarely happened over telecommunication services before the COVID-19 pandemic.