Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

March 2023

SBOM - Tanium Tech Talks #58

What is the software supply chain and why should I care? What open source vulnerabilities are hiding in my environment? How can I find them? Find out on today's #Tanium Tech Talk. Governments are now getting involved in the software supply chain risk and requiring vendors to publish an #SBOM (software bill of materials) to list the components within their software (like a list of ingredients on a package of cookies).

Gain Advanced Endpoint Management With Certificate Manager and New Features for Enforce

Tanium can solve more of your endpoint management needs than ever before. We have just launched our new product Certificate Manager and added three new features to our core product Enforce — Modern Device Management for macOS®, Enhanced Policy Management for Windows, and USB Removable Storage Management.