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December 2022

Top FAQs from CxOs | 2022 Winter Release Edition

Just over a week ago, Axis launched its biggest product release of all time. The response has been tremendous and prospects and customers alike are continuing to inquire about the 2022 Atmos Winter Release. Maybe you have questions too, if so, check out the top FAQs from CxOs we received in the last week.

Special message from Gil Azrielant | Atmos Winter Release 2022

Tis’ the SSEason! This year, Axis is giving the gift of innovation. With SSE top of mind for almost every IT leader, we thought hard about innovative capabilities that would help make adoption simple for IT, and immediately valuable to the business. We are happy to announce the 2022 Atmos Winter Release.

Bring unity to your DLP this Holiday SSEason

Data. Clive Humby, the British Mathematician said it best in 2006, “Data is the new oil”. These zeros and ones stored in virtually every corner of the world now power industries and hold tremendous power in decisions companies make. Where do I invest, what are my customers doing, and critically, what does the future hold? Alternatively, data can also be used against companies.

The Gift of SSE for your Networking Team

Networking in today’s world is hard enough as it is, especially when connectivity needs to be from everywhere. During this holiday “SSEason,” Axis wants to give the gift of making you and your team’s lives easier. Our new 2022 Atmos Winter Release has some major new features that we hope your networking team and end-users will enjoy!