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January 2022

Analyzing the PwnKit local privilege escalation exploit

What do Linux vulnerabilities and natural disasters have in common? Something seemingly dormant can suddenly spring to life, exposing activity beneath the surface. Several days ago, a security researcher published a high-severity vulnerability named PwnKit that impacts most major Linux distributions. The scary part? It’s existed since May of 2009. Polkit is a component for controlling privileges in Unix-like operating systems and is included by default on most major Linux distributions.

SnykCon recap: Building a developer-focused AppSec program

Building an application security program can be overwhelming. The steady stream of content encouraging teams to shift left is inspiring, but it doesn’t help you get started. Looking toward organizations with mature AppSec initiatives can make the gap seem insurmountable — all while an actionable plan remains elusive. Like anything else in software development, application security is a journey. A journey that’s much more enjoyable with some guiding principles.

Tame the snake: Snyk shines a spotlight on Python security

Today, 43% of all data breaches are directly linked to vulnerabilities found in applications. With the programming language Python reaching ever greater popularity in the developer space, Snyk has taken an in-depth look at security issues relating to the language and found that, "while 81% of the most popular Python packages are in a healthy state," roughly 20% of the security weaknesses identified by Snyk Code are related to Python projects.

PHP security in Snyk Code now GA

We recently announced our beta release for PHP support in Snyk Code, which brought with it the ability to identify potential PHP security vulnerabilities at the code level. After a successful public beta program, PHP security support in Snyk Code is now GA. 🎉🎉🎉 PHP is a popular programming language that is used by developers all over the world. In this blog post, we will take a look at some of the features of Snyk Code and how it can be used with PHP.

Stranger Danger: Live hack of how a Log4Shell exploit works

The Log4Shell vulnerability took the Java community by surprise at the end of 2021, and many organizations are still mitigating its impact. To help development teams stay informed as the situation unfolds, Snyk has created and continues to update its Log4j vulnerability resource center.

How Lunar shifted security left while building a cloud native bank

At SnykCon 2021, there were a number of insightful talks from companies that were able to build successful AppSec programs. As the Lead Platform Architect at Lunar and a Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) ambassador, Kasper Nissen’s presentation was no exception. In this post, we’ll recap Nissen’s talk about how his security team at Lunar was able to shift security left while building a cloud native bank.

Enabling policy as code (PaC) with OPA and Rego

The Cambridge Dictionary defines a policy as: “a set of ideas or a plan of what to do in particular situations that has been agreed to officially by a group of people, a business organization, a government, or a political party.” And in the context of software development, your organization may have some rules about how a policy is built, configured, deployed, and used. Some examples of software policies include.

A Day In The Life Of A Field CISO - Steve Kinman

CISO Journey What is a like CISO role? what was it like an operational ciso v/s a field ciso? like rght now we are talking only about log4j issues and how it would have been for you. What would have been your strategy? Have you seen other field Cxo’s? What is one Unique thing, you are trying to implement? How different is this role from a regular CISO?

The Big Fix 2022 - Getting Started Guide

The Big Fix brings together developers, DevOps, and security practitioners of all skill levels to help make the internet more secure. Our goal is to make security 100x better in 2022 by finding and fixing 202,200 security vulnerabilities! Join us to help find (and fix!) security vulnerabilities while making friends and winning swag. In this short video we'll help you get started finding (and fixing!) security vulnerabilities in your applications -- it's easy!

Live Hacking: Find Vulnerabilities in Your Apps Before Hackers Do

As cloud-native technologies disrupt the Application Security (AppSec) market, forward-thinking enterprises are shifting their security to the left. A range of cutting-edge security platforms is now available, empowering developers to build secure applications within the development process. But what do secure applications look like, and why does it matter? Why are enterprises implementing security during the deployment phase?

Snyk Code scanning added to the Snyk Visual Studio extension

Snyk Code provides a new generation of static application security testing (SAST). It uses a unique process that uses machine learning to rapidly grow its knowledge base and a Snyk security engineer to assure the quality of the rules. As a result, the Snyk Code knowledge base grows exponentially and results in an industry-leading high accuracy. On top of that, Snyk Code provides real-time scanning so developers can use it right from their favorite IDE.

What You Should Know About npm Packages 'colors' and 'faker'

On January 8, 2022, the open source maintainer of the wildly popular npm package colors, published colors@1.4.1 and colors@1.4.44-liberty-2 in which they intentionally introduced an offending commit that adds an infinite loop to the source code. The infinite loop is triggered and executed immediately upon initialization of the package’s source code, and would result in a Denial of Service (DoS) to any Node.js server using it.

New years resolution: Don't show my security tokens when hacking my demo application on stage

Traditionally, we start the new year with resolutions. We want to do more good things, like working, other things we try to eliminate. Considering the latter, my 2022 resolution is to stop accidentally exposing confidential information while I hack my application during demos on stage or similar. Yes, this new years resolution sounds very specific, and it has an excellent security horror story behind it…

URL confusion vulnerabilities in the wild: Exploring parser inconsistencies

URLs have forever changed the way we interact with computers. Conceptualized in 1992 and defined in 1994, the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) continues to be a critical component of the internet, allowing people to navigate the web via descriptive, human-understandable addresses. But with the need for human readability came the need for breaking them into machine-usable components; this is handled with URL parsers.

Open source maintainer pulls the plug on npm packages colors and faker, now what?

On January 8, 2022, the open source maintainer of the wildly popular npm package colors, published colors@1.4.1 and colors@1.4.44-liberty-2 in which they intentionally introduced an offending commit that adds an infinite loop to the source code. The infinite loop is triggered and executed immediately upon initialization of the package’s source code, and would result in a Denial of Service (DoS) to any Node.js server using it.

FTC highlights the importance of securing Log4j and software supply chain

Earlier this week, the FTC issued a warning to companies regarding the Log4j vulnerability. Given the rampant exploitation of the recently discovered vulnerabilities in this ubiquitous open source logging package, it’s encouraging to see the agency take this rare step, beginning to form a firm stance on software supply chain security. Although this increased scrutiny from the FTC may at first seem daunting, violations can be remediated with the right practices.

The Missing Pieces in Securing your SDLC

Navigating the world of secure software development is hard. There is a lot of noise and not enough time to investigate everything thoroughly. Make your life and the lives of your colleagues easier by building a world-class DevSecOps automation pipeline. Automate feedback delivery in a way that makes sense. It doesn’t have to be hard; automate the pain away!

Demystifying DevOps-Pros, cons, dos & don'ts

We hear a lot about DevOps but how do we turn it from myth into reality? In this panel with Waleed Arshad, Community Manager at Snyk, Frank Dornberger, Team lead of DevSecOps at movingimage EVP GmbH, and Idir Ouhab Meskine, Staff Solutions Engineer at Splunk, we're go over: Waleed Arshad, Community Manager at Snyk Frank Dornberger, Teamlead DevSecOps at movingimage EVP GmbH Idir Ouhab Meskine, Staff Solutions Engineer at Splunk

Developer security resolutions for 2022

As 2022 begins, it’s a great time to set resolutions for the coming year. Don’t worry, we don’t expect you to become a CrossFit guru or break world records on your Peloton. Instead, how about you set goals to improve your abilities as a secure developer? All too often, we choose resolutions that set ourselves up for failure. A better approach is to set realistic goals.

CTF secrets revealed: TopLang challenge from SnykCon 2021 explained

If you attended SnykCon 2021, you may remember our inaugural CTF: Fetch the Flag. In this CTF, TopLang was a web challenge of medium difficulty that we received a lot of positive feedback about. So for those of you that loved it, this write-up explains how our team internally approached tackling and solving this challenge. This challenge was a pretty typical example of what is known as an “oracle attack” using blind SQL injection.

New workshop for securing a DevOps pipeline with Snyk, Bitbucket, and AWS

Development teams are frequently under the gun to deliver software quickly, which is difficult to do without modern tools to build, test, and deploy applications efficiently. That’s why Atlassian’s Bitbucket Cloud — a Git-based source code repository service in the cloud that streamlines software development for collaborative teams — was built for both speed and efficiency. The challenge nearly all organizations face is ensuring development speed and security at the same time.