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Testing with OpenAPI Specifications

The 2023 SANS Survey on API Security (Jun-2023) found that less than 50 percent of respondents have API security testing tools in place. Even fewer (29 percent) have API discovery tools. Wallarm delivers both these capabilities via our single, integrated App and API Security platform. Wallarm has long offered the ability to generate OpenAPI Specifications (aka Swagger) based on actual traffic across your endpoints.

What is an API Gateway? - Definition, Benefits and Limitations

An API Gateway is a mediator between the client and the collection of backend services. It accepts all API calls and routes them to one or more appropriate backend services. It doesn’t stop there; it aggregates appropriate data/ resources and delivers it to the user in a unified manner. Placed in front of the API/ group of microservices, the API gateway is the single-entry point for all API calls made to and executed by the app.

What is API Authentication? - Definition, Implementation, and Security Strategies

API authentication is a combination of technology and process that proves or verifies the identities of users who want access to an API. Specifically, API authentication involves the use of a software protocol to verify that users are who they claim to be when a client makes an API call. API authentication solutions are usually set up to block access to an API if they detect something wrong with the user’s identity during the API call. It’s online verification of ID, a gatekeeping countermeasure that defends APIs from access by malicious actors. Remember, too, that in many cases, the API user is a machine, not a person.

Why Noname for API Security

More than 80% of today’s internet traffic consists of API-based communication, and as Forrester has noted, “As API traffic dominates, API attacks are ubiquitous.”1 While APIs are now essential for software interoperability, API security has not kept pace with staggering growth. Even the largest and most technically sophisticated organizations are vulnerable to API attacks and data breaches. Discover why 20% of the Fortune 500 choose Noname Security for API security.

What is API Abuse? | Noname Security Academy

API abuse, like most forms of hacking, involves making APIs do things they were not intended to do. When a developer creates an API, it will have a legitimate purpose, such as enabling API clients with proper permission to invoke the API to receive the data it represents. Pretty much any other use of that API could be considered abuse.

2023 API Security Trends for Retail and eCommerce

If the retail industry felt that the initial shift toward eCommerce sent shockwaves through the sector, they may not have been able to comprehend the changing dynamics of consumer behaviors once digital retail expectations were set. We have seen consumer preference move from simply preferring to shop online to a demand for personalized selections and processes.

Secure cloud-native apps and APIs at the speed your business demands

The cloud-native development model entered the mainstream in recent years, with technologies such as microservices and serverless computing, containers, APIs, and infrastructure-as-code (IaC) at the forefront of this trend. Thanks to these emerging technologies, organizations can build and run their apps fast, in a distributed manner, and without reliance on physical hardware infrastructures.

Harnessing the Magic of API: Turbocharging Business Automation

In the bustling metropolis of the modern digital realm, there's a quiet revolution taking place. Businesses, from local startups to multinational corporations, are embracing an unseen hero that propels them to new heights: the Latenode API. But what is this mysterious force, and why is it setting the business world alight?

Announcing beta support for PHP, alpha for Go and Python

PHP holds the bar as one of the most popular and sought-after technologies for web development. As W3Techs shows, PHP code is running on 76.8% of all websites around the globe. We are very excited to announce that the latest version of Bearer now supports PHP in Beta, with more than 50 rules already available, providing a good level of security risks and vulnerabilities coverage. For the PHP support in this release, we have included a strong focus on the popular Symfony framework.