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Beyond the Noise: Achieving Accurate API Inventory with AI

The prevalence of APIs in today's digital environment is undeniable. They are crucial for modern applications, enabling seamless communication and data exchange between different software components. The rise of AI and machine learning has further accelerated API adoption, not only for accessing data and resources but also for rapid API development and deployment.

Salt Security Continues to Innovate as Leader in API Security

The API security landscape is changing rapidly, and cybercriminals are becoming increasingly sophisticated. According to the Salt Labs State of API Security Report 2024, API security incidents have more than doubled in the past 12 months, while API usage is rapidly increasing. Organizations are finding it challenging to keep up with the threats associated with expanding API ecosystems and fully understand their complex behavioral attributes.

The Importance of API Security Governance in a Dynamic Threat Landscape

As noted in the 2024 Gartner Market Guide for API Protection“API security governance is an emerging capability. It allows the administrator of the tool to define and enforce security policies. Unlike posture management, this is a top-down enforcement. It also allows for compliance reports for specific regulations to be generated automatically.” This capability is becoming increasingly important as organizations face a constantly evolving threat landscape.

What is API Security Testing & How to Perform It? A Detailed Guide

What is API Security Testing? API security testing is a process of carefully evaluating API endpoints to identify and remediate vulnerabilities such as fuzzy input, parameter tampering, or injection attacks. Acting as the first line of defense, it meticulously examines endpoints to identify and neutralize vulnerabilities before attackers can exploit them.

High-Fidelity Alerts: The Key to Effective API Security

APIs are essential for modern applications as they enable seamless communication and data exchange, serving as the foundation of these applications. However, their interconnected nature makes them vulnerable to various threats. The high volume of API calls - ranging from millions to billions every month - poses a challenge in distinguishing between genuine attacks and harmless irregularities.

Shadow APIs vs Zombie APIs - All You Need to Know

In the age of digital-first businesses, every other software solution either uses an API (Application Programming Interface) or makes one. They enable various applications and services to work together, enabling businesses to improve features, streamline user experience, and provide new exciting offerings. Unfortunately, the more APIs we collect and interact with, the more security challenges increase.

The Growing Threat of API Attacks and the Need for Advanced Protection

APIs are increasingly becoming the target of choice for attackers. According to the key findings stated in the 2024 Gartner Market Guide for API Protection, "APIs — especially shadow and dormant ones — are causing data breaches among organizations that, on average, exceed the magnitude of other breaches.

CVE-2024-41110: Once Again, Docker Addresses API Vulnerability That Can Bypass Auth Plugins

A significant vulnerability (CVE-2024-41110) was recently discovered in Docker Engine version 18.09.1.Although the issue was identified and fixed in 2019, the patch did not apply to other major versions, resulting in regression. The vulnerability was assigned a CVSS score of 10 (critical).

What is API Security for Mobile Apps? Why Is It Important?

Businesses have gone mobile-first, and with good reason—people are spending more time and more money on their phones than ever before. For instance, in 2023, an estimated 66% or 2/3rds of all online orders were made from mobile devices. And in 2024, businesses are expected to spend $402 billion on mobile advertising. Mobile apps have become the first choice for users for their online activities in banking, e-commerce, media streaming, social media, etc.