Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


A complete video walkthrough of the Detectify tool

Great to see you’re interested in using Detectify to check your web application security! Here is a video demo to walk you through the Detectify tool to get started, add a scan profile, integration options, profile settings and show you how each of our features work. This will also show you how to use the API.

5 Cybersecurity Steps You Should Already Be Taking

There’s nothing more impactful than a proactive cybersecurity strategy. What’s your preferred scenario: the one where you’re reeling from a lethal data breach with thousands of customer profiles compromised, or, the one where your team identified and diffused a problem before it had time to wreak havoc?

Security Orchestration Use Case: How to Automate Incident Severity Assignment?

Is your CSIRT team facing too many security alerts? Is your SOC has various security products that are jumbled together? Are you worried about setting the sensitivity of each product? How a severity level should be assigned to each imminent incident? These questions are hard to answer by today’s security professionals. However, security orchestration plays a crucial role in helping experts to address these questions.

What Does a Compliance Management System Look Like?

While automated tools often enable your compliance management system (CMS), the CMS is less a technology and more a corporate compliance program. A compliance management system looks like a series of policies, procedures, and processes governing all compliance efforts. However, as more companies embed technology across the enterprise and more compliance requirements focus on cybersecurity, information security integrates across the CMS.

How to Conduct a Workplace Investigation

Workplace investigations can be extremely tense and have high stakes. While every investigation will look a little different based on the nature of the company, HR team and incident, it’s important to have a clearly defined plan for investigating reports filed by employees. Here’s a step-by-step guide to conducting a timely, impartial and thorough workplace investigation.

Self-Driving Cars: How Automakers can Overcome Cybersecurity Issues

A lot has been going on with autonomous vehicles these days. Almost every famous car manufacturer seems to be in a rush to master the perfected version of self-driving cars. While most people believe that fully autonomous vehicles are still in their infancy stage, manufacturers think that they will dominate the roads by 2020.

Weekly Cyber Security News 28/12/2018

A selection of this week’s more interesting vulnerability disclosures and cyber security news. As we plummet to the end of 2018 in this odd Twilight-zone period between Xmas and New Year. If you’re not out there fending off the hackers then you could be stuck at home feeling in need of geeky fun as family and TV can only go so far. How about this to wind up the family?