Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Risk Management Essentials: How to Build A Risk Register

This session will equip you with the knowledge and skills to confidently handle unpredictable risks in your organization. Our expert facilitators will guide you through the evolving landscape of risk management and demonstrate how to integrate risk management seamlessly into your organization. We’ll reveal the secrets to impressing auditors and gaining executive support for your risk management initiatives.

Trust Assurance for Security Teams: A 6 Point Scorecard for Upgrading Your GRC Program

Is your security team struggling to keep up with the evolving demands and threats in today’s cyber landscape? Join us for an eye-opening session where we’ll address how to solve the pressing issues that security professionals grapple with daily.

Beyond SBOMs: The Future of Software Supply Chain Security

The recent executive order requiring SBOMs (Software Bill of Materials) of those supplying software to the federal government has been instrumental in advancing the conversation around software supply chain security – but SBOMs are just the tip of the iceberg, and quite possibly, not even the most interesting or promising part. Cisco distinguished engineer Ed Warnicke and Cisco technical marketing engineer Michael Chenetz were joined by Aeva Black, OmniBor Project – Microsoft, Brandon Lum, Guac and Google, Dan Lorenc, Wolfi/Chainguard, and Cole Kennedy, TestifySec.

Unveiling BDRSuite v7.0.0.U1: Elevate Your Data Protection Strategy

Uncover the New Features and Enhancements: Gain insights into the innovative features and enhancements that set BDRSuite v7.0.0.U1 apart in the realm of data protection Practical Guidance for Getting Started: Learn the smooth transition and optimal utilization of its powerful features Live Demonstration: Witness the power of BDRSuite v7.0.0.U1 through a live demonstration, providing live experience of its capabilities in action.

How Jaguar Land Rover and Asda are Building a Modern DevSecOps Culture

Organizations at different stages of growth or maturity will have different challenges when adopting a modern DevSecOps program. In this session we talked with Mike Welsh, Lead Enterprise Security Architect DevSecOps, at JLR, and Ruta Baltiejute, DevSecOps Lead at Asda, about their differing approach to implementing a secure development model at their organizations. We discussed the significant differences between how they’re building software today, including their approach to change in People, Process and Tooling.