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How secure is your Zendesk instance? Find out with Nightfall's Zendesk DLP scanner

When your customers reach out for help, they send messages to your support team that likely contain personal information. Help desk ticketing systems can often harvest for personally identifiable information (PII) like email addresses and credit card numbers, while healthcare providers using ticketing systems may request protected health information (PHI) like patient names and health insurance claim numbers or phone numbers.

Slack Security: FERPA and HIPAA Compliance

During the pandemic, healthcare and education providers scrambled to adapt to providing services remotely, using tools like Slack, Google Drive, and Zoom to continue connecting with patients and students. McKinsey tracked a spike in the use of telehealth solutions in April 2020 that was 78 times higher than in February 2020. And, by some estimates, more than 1.2 billion children worldwide were impacted by school closures due to the pandemic — some of whom were able to learn remotely.

Nightfall for Google Drive, now with remediation

Nightfall has added remediation actions for Google Drive violations, so you can fix the issue automatically or with just a click. Nightfall for Google Drive is one of our most popular integrations, helping customers to discover and classify sensitive data across Google Drive. Once sensitive data violations are found to exist in Google Drive, you want to take steps to protect the data – because removing the risk is really the point, isn’t it?

The Essential Guide to Content Moderation

According to a recent CNBC report, Google has seen a rise in posts flagged for racism or abuse on its message boards. This has caused the company to ask its employees to take a more active role in moderating internal message boards. That’s one way to handle content moderation. But, it also takes an employee’s time and attention away from higher-value tasks. Many companies address instances of internal harassment through training and stronger HR policies.

What is Data Loss Prevention (DLP) And How Does It Work

Every year, business owners grapple with the same question: how can I keep my data safe? One survey found that 47% of small business owners found data security to be their biggest challenge; a further 42% said preventing data loss was also keeping them up at night. Data loss prevention is a clear priority for enterprises of all sizes.

CISO Insider - S2E7 - Season 2 recap

Today on CISO Insider it’s our season 2 recap episode, featuring the best quotes and highlights from our six episodes in season 2. We gathered insights, lessons, and other valuable soundbites from CISOs and security leaders at Even Financial, Segment, MongoDB, One Main Financial, and Datadog. Hear from our brilliant guests and make sure to catch their episodes featuring our full interviews for a deep dive into cybersecurity, leadership, and much more.

Ensure data security and compliance in Slack Connect with Nightfall

Slack as a product is constantly expanding with new functionality and integrations. Slack Connect is among the most popular new features Slack introduced in the past year and is growing in popularity because it’s an easy way to stay connected with people you work with outside your organization — in real time with all the features that Slack offers. ​​As new improvements or upgrades for Slack are released, data security and compliance should be a top concern for your teams.

Vulnerability Management: Process, Life Cycle, and Best Practices

Vulnerability management is a full-time occupation. This cybersecurity function is iterative and involves constant monitoring, documentation, and review. From updating your software to recording new patches, vulnerability management is a constant process that benefits from automated tools like Nightfall . Here’s how vulnerability management works, the ins and outs of the vulnerability management life cycle, and best practices to implement at your organization.