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Quantitative Risk Analysis: Annual Loss Expectancy

Risk assessment is an essential component of risk management. It enables you to determine potential hazards that may negatively affect specific projects or result from certain decisions. This article explains how to calculate your cybersecurity risk using the concept of annual loss expectancy: There are two types of risk analysis — quantitative and qualitative: Both forms of risk analysis are valuable tools in risk management.

OneDrive for Business: Getting Administrator's Access to User's Files and Folders

OneDrive for Business is a secure cloud-based solution for convenient telecommuting, remote access and private file sharing. Indeed, files stored on OneDrive are private by default: Users control access to the files they upload, so they can be seen by other employees only if they have been shared by the OneDrive owner. Even users with Global Administrator access cannot access files unless the OneDrive account holder has granted them the appropriate permissions.

System Administrator Salary: How Much Can You Earn?

Many system administrators are concerned that they are not paid fairly, especially considering the high workload and long hours. In fact, the recruiting website reports that 43% of system administrators think their salary is not enough for the cost of living in their area. How does your location measure up? To save you from having to browse tons of job openings and analyze current trends to answer that question, we’ve done the research for you.

How to Protect PII

A wide range of privacy regulations govern how organizations collect, store and use personally identifiable information (PII). In general, companies need to ensure data confidentiality, avoid data breaches and leaks, and make sure data is not destroyed or altered in unauthorized ways. The consequences of lost or leaked PII data are significant. Of course, the individuals involved can be harmed from resulting identity theft and associated costs.

Top Things that SysAdmins Really Hate

Being a sysadmin basically means being a superhero. Fighting bad guys (aka hackers), helping ordinary people (aka users), saving your home (aka IT environment) from various disasters — it all sounds very heroic, but it’s just an average day in a sysadmin’s life. But superheroes can feel pain as well. Five years ago, we asked brave sysadmins to blow off some steam and complain about their suffering by letting us know what they really hate about their work.

Netwrix Auditor for Windows File Servers - Overview

Netwrix Auditor for Windows File Servers maximizes visibility into what's going on across Windows file servers by classifying sensitive data and providing actionable audit data about all changes made to files, folders, shares and permissions; and reporting on both successful and failed access attempts. Today, it’s hard to imagine an enterprise that doesn’t rely on file servers to store its data — including valuable and sensitive data. This makes file servers a key target for all sorts of attackers, including both anonymous hackers and disgruntled employees.

Data Security in Cloud Computing: Key Components

Businesses of all sizes are moving to the cloud to take advantage of the greater data availability, significant cost savings and data redundancy that cloud computing provides compared to a traditional data center-based physical infrastructure. Moving to the cloud can also reduce shadow IT and get data stores out from storage closets and underneath desks so they can be governed and protected in compliance with regulations and best practices.

2020 State of the Cloud Statistics

The cloud had become mainstream during the last couple of years, but the year of 2020 has pushed companies to adapt to remote working, which immediately led to a rapid adoption of cloud services. Research indicates that overall use of cloud services across industries has already increased by 50% this year; the most serious effect from the shift to remote working was on cloud-based collaboration tools, which saw an increase of up to 600% in usage (McAfee).