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The Game Changer to Qualify for Cyber Insurance

Protecting sensitive data with multi-factor authentication (MFA) has become a requirement for cyber insurance policies. Recent attacks (SolarWinds, Colonial Pipeline, Kaseya) and mandates like the White House’s Executive Order to implement MFA in 180 days or less, are proving that identity and password-related vulnerabilities are a top security threat, and one where you can lose a lot of money.

WatchGuard Cloud Named Best MSP/MSSP Platform in CRN's 2021 Tech Innovator Awards

WatchGuard been honored in CRN’s 2021 Tech Innovator Awards, with WatchGuard Cloud named the best MSP/MSSP Platform. Furthermore, CRN recognized the Firebox M4800 and M5800 as finalists in the Network Security – SMB category. This annual award program showcases innovative vendors in the IT channel across 47 different technology categories, in key areas ranging from cloud to storage to networking to security.

Why Windows 11 is more secure than Windows 10

Windows 11 is the most secure Windows version to date. Microsoft's new operating system is now available, after learning several lessons from its predecessor. The Redmond company states that the widespread use of hybrid and remote work environments during the pandemic opened the door to a host of threats, with Windows vulnerabilities exploited by hackers, such as the incidents with Specter and Meltdown.

Wi-Fi in WatchGuard Cloud

Wi-Fi has evolved as an essential need across the globe. WatchGuard is delivering Wi-Fi 6 access points with WPA3 encryption for enriched security. Managed directly in WatchGuard Cloud, these secure access points enable zero-touch deployment, monitoring, and reporting plus integration into WatchGuard’s portfolio of products such as AuthPoint, Endpoint, and Firebox.

Cybersecurity Insights - Fileless Attacks

In just the first half of 2021, script-based fileless malware attacks have already nearly reached their entire 2021 total, which in itself was up 888% from the year prior. These highly evasive threats use living-off-the-land (LotL) techniques to fly in under the radar and sneak past many legacy endpoint protections. In this Cybersecurity Insights, WatchGuard Security Operations Manager Marc Laliberte will discuss what fileless malware is, how it works, how attackers are using it, and what you need to do to keep your systems safe from this massively popular threat.

How MSPs should systematize demanding customer relations

CISA, the US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure agency, has recently released a report on Managed Service Providers (MSPs). The agency recognizes that MSPs play a critical role for businesses, providing IT services that would otherwise be too costly or too time-consuming and resource-intensive.