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WatchGuard's SVP of Marketing, Michelle Welch, named 2021 Security Channel Chief of the Year by Channel Partner Insight

For the third year in a row, WatchGuard has been honored at Channel Partner Insight’s 2021 Channel Innovation Awards. This year, Senior Vice President of Marketing Michelle Welch was named the “Security Channel Chief of Year.” This annual awards program celebrates the partners and vendors that have brought true value and innovation to the managed services market and made a real difference to their customers over the last 12 months.

Fileless attacks: a cybersecurity insight to be taken into account

Hackers are highly trained cybercriminals with access to resources capable of compromising a system in an organization without being detected. And malwareless attacks – where cybercriminals access critical business networks without malware – are on the rise.

How to prevent known exploited vulnerabilities at the endpoint

The US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency (CISA) has issued a directive to federal agencies and other public bodies requiring them to take steps to reduce their risk of exploited vulnerabilities. CISA highlights the startling finding that hackers are exploiting up to 290 different vulnerabilities in these agencies.

The Oculus (Meta) Quest Scam

Oculus (also now known as Meta) Quest is a virtual reality headset and game craze created by Facebook, and it is the ultimate tech must-have for the holidays in 2021. My 11-year-old son is obsessed with it and during the past few months it has been impossible to get due to a recall and the wait for the new Quest 2 to be released.

How businesses can protect themselves from DDoS attacks

In Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) a system or network is flooded with online traffic from multiple sources in an attempt to make it unavailable. Cybercriminals take advantage of protocol or DNS server vulnerabilities that they exploit to launch attacks. Moreover, in larger scale attacks, they may use malware that infects thousands of hosts that target the victim to block it, all of them with different IP addresses, which is known as a botnet.

Cybersecurity Insights - Malware Evasion Techniques

The majority of malware that the WatchGuard Threat Lab analyzes each quarter is called “zero day malware,” meaning it successfully evaded signature-based anti-malware services. Modern tools and techniques continue to make evasive threats easier to carry out and more effective for adversaries of all skill levels. In this Cybersecurity Insights, learn how threat actors mask their attack payloads from detection and what you can do to defend your organization and customers from these evasive threats.

25 Years of Security: does history matter?

There’s little in the world of technology that qualifies as sui generis (that is, unique unto itself). What goes around really does come around and there is safety in respecting that. Why look back to then in cybersecurity? Because one of the best ways to understand how to protect your network, Wi-Fi, and endpoints is to familiarize yourself with what led to today’s tortuous threat landscape.

How MSPs should protect data against ransomware

A few months ago, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) released a draft framework for ransomware risk management. But it's not the only publication on such threats, as the institute has also produced a guide recently on how MSPs should protect data from ransomware and other data loss events.

WatchGuard Cloud Adds New Endpoint Security Modules to Further Strengthen its Unified Security Platform

Partners and customers using WatchGuard's Endpoint Security solutions can now layer on Patch Management, Encryption, Reporting and Data Control to simplify management and create new revenue opportunities.

Taking A Unified Approach to Delivering Wi-Fi Connectivity and Security

Nowadays, teleworking or following a hybrid work model has become commonplace. The question we need to ask ourselves is, is our remote connection secure? The National Security Agency (NSA) in the United States has published a best practices info sheet for government workers and contractors working in areas related to national security and defense. info sheet supplies advice on how to avoid cyberattacks due to a compromised or unsecured wireless connection.