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Sumo Logic

Top 10 best practices of Cloud SIEM

Nowadays, it’s not uncommon to see enterprise IT leaders in a situation that seems like a catch 22. Oftentimes, they are expected to be involved in making data-driven decisions for augmenting productivity and profitability. Paradoxically, they are preoccupied with what they consider as their core responsibilities – applying best practices to safeguard the IT infrastructure and expediting investigations when incidents occur.

Data Privacy Is Our Birthright - national cybersecurity month

Never before in history has the concept of identity been so vital. To a large extent, everything we rely on to live our lives depends on who we are… or perhaps more accurately, who we can prove ourselves to be. Our data has come to be the standard by which we define ourselves. Because this identity-defining data is online, the protection of our data is of paramount importance.

5 Tips for Preventing Ransomware Attacks

You don't need to be a cybersecurity expert to know that ransomware attacks have become one of today's greatest IT security threats. From WannaCry to the attack against the city of Atlanta, major ransomware exploits have become so commonplace in the last few years that they may seem impossible to avoid. Fortunately, preventing ransomware is far from impossible. Let's take a look at a few strategies you can put in place to mitigate your risk of becoming part of the next ransomware statistic.

Tracking Malicious Activity across the Sumo Attack Lifecycle

In modern network security monitoring, it is not enough to just detect bad things happening. ROI of security operations is always under scrutiny. Security teams, when they exist, and their leadership (CISOs), continually struggle to get budget, at least until a public breach occurs.

Pokemon - Next Generation SOC From Theory to Practice

This session will focus on developing a modern security operations center (SOC) from the ground up leveraging progressive technologies and process. Pokemon will cover the original plan and execution strategy over the past 18 months. They will also highlight Sumo Logic's role in both security architecture and operations and map the map ahead for both Sumo and our SOC.

Cloud Scale Correlation and Investigation with Cloud SIEM

Virtually every organization is a victim of cybercrime today. As the threat landscape evolves and proliferates, it’s necessary to prioritize the protection of data, customers’ privacy and brand reputation. Security directors must be prepared and equipped with the necessary tools to detect security events and address them accordingly at all times.

How to Secure Kubernetes Using Cloud SIEM?

Kubernetes, commonly called K8s, is an open-source container management system developed by Google. Containers and tools like Kubernetes enable automation of many aspects of application deployment, which provides tremendous benefits to businesses. K8s is just as vulnerable to attacks and cybercrime as traditional environments, in both public and private clouds. In this blog post, we’ve compiled everything you need to know to make sure your Kubernetes environment is safe. Here is what we tackle.

Serverless Computing Security Tips

Serverless computing is becoming more popular as organizations look for new ways to deploy their applications in the cloud. With higher levels of abstraction, easier maintenance, a focus on high performance, and ephemeral workloads, serverless computing solutions like Lambda are finding a permanent place in the mix of cloud infrastructure options.