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3 Keys to Success for Biotech IT Leaders

This year’s Egnyte Life Science Summit featured great insights from industry experts. Nate McBride's presentation, "The Calculus of IT," was well received for the useful direction it provided emerging biotechs looking to mature their IT stack and operations. Three major priority areas were identified to help position the emerging biotech for success.

Enabling Secure Collaboration for Biotechs With Egnyte - A Nimbus Therapeutics Story

In the fast-paced world of biotech, speed and agility can make or break your ability to get new therapies to market. Without its own labs, Nimbus Therapeutics relies on a global network of partners to drive development. In this session, Rebecca Carazza, Head of Information Systems at Nimbus Therapeutics, shares insights about how their biotech firm in Boston, Massachusetts, deployed Egnyte to address the unique challenges of their organization.

A Simple, Flexible Digital Foundation for Architectural Practice

The practice of architecture has been “going digital” for more than 30 years. Starting with the proliferation of CAD software in the 1990s, this technological shift accelerated with the mainstream adoption of BIM tools and workflows in the 2000s. Digital practice has broadened since that time to include visualization, simulation, analysis, automation, and even AI-driven generative design.

Three Ways to Use Egnyte's New "Document Q&A" Service

Egnyte’s AI-powered document tools are easily accessed from the preview screen in the web interface. By clicking on a document in any folder, you are taken directly to the preview screen. Once in preview mode, access the AI-powered Document Q&A tool by expanding the right hand pane. There, you will see available tools such as Comments, Workflows, Details, and Egnyte’s new AI-powered document Summary and Q&A.