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The Call Is Coming from Inside the House: CrowdStrike Identifies Novel Exploit in VOIP Appliance

CrowdStrike Services recently investigated a suspected ransomware intrusion attempt. The intrusion was quickly stopped through the customer’s efforts and those of the CrowdStrike Falcon Complete™ managed detection and response (MDR) team, which was supporting this customer’s environment.

CrowdStrike Falcon Stops Modern Identity-Based Attacks in Chrome

Recent research from CyberArk Labs presents a new technique for extracting sensitive data from the Chromium browser’s memory. However, existing access to the targeted system is required before leveraging the technique to extract the sensitive data. The technique could enable identity-based attacks involving authentication bypass using Oauth cookies that have already passed an MFA challenge.

Seven Key Ingredients of Incident Response to Reduce the Time and Cost of Recovery

When a breach occurs, time is of the essence. The decisions you make about whom to collaborate with and how to respond will determine how much impact the incident is going to have on your business operations.

For the Common Good: How to Compromise a Printer in Three Simple Steps

In August 2021, ZDI announced Pwn2Own Austin 2021, a security contest focusing on phones, printers, NAS devices and smart speakers, among other things. The Pwn2Own contest encourages security researchers to demonstrate remote zero-day exploits against a list of specified devices. If successful, the researchers are rewarded with a cash prize, and the leveraged vulnerabilities are responsibly disclosed to the respective vendors so they can improve the security of their products.

CrowdStrike Introduces Humio for Falcon, Redefining Threat Hunting with Unparalleled Scale and Speed

Humio for Falcon provides long-term, cost-effective data retention with powerful index-free search and analysis of enriched security telemetry across enterprise environments.

RSAC 2022: CrowdStrike Delivers Protection that Powers Productivity

The theme of RSA Conference 2022 succinctly captures the aftermath of the disruption we’ve all experienced over the last couple of years: Transform. Customers continue to transform and accelerate digital initiatives in response to the massive economic and technological shifts driven by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Detecting Poisoned Python Packages: CTX and PHPass

The software supply chain remains a weak link for an attacker to exploit and gain access to an organization. According to a report in 2021, supply chain attacks increased by 650%, and some of the attacks have received a lot of limelight, such as SUNBURST in 2020 and Dependency Confusion in 2021.