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Interplay of AIOps with ITSM Systems

ITSM systems and processes are similar to a front line defence system for Enterprises’ effort, in delivering superior customer satisfaction to its IT users. Enterprises are always looking for ways to resolve tickets as fast as possible and at an optimal cost. AIOps systems play a key role in automating data collection required for analysis , equipping support teams with insights to take immediate remediation action and eventually leading to automation of the complete process.

Developing an Effective Change Management Program

Detection of change is easy… There, I said it. Anyone can do it. One thousand monkeys with keyboards can pound out scripts to detect change. What is not so easy, what the monkeys can’t do, is reconcile change. Even worse, it’s usually the monkeys who make the changes that bring everything crashing down around your knees. It’s the reconciliation of change that most organizations have the most trouble with. What was the change? When was it made? Who made it? Was it authorized?

Three Levels of Change: The Good, the Bad and the Approved

What I’ve found throughout the years is that the only constant in life is the fact that everything changes and changes frequently. I can’t even get a consistent scenery on my way to work longer than a couple of weeks before something is different! At the same time, the world of technology is in constant flux whether it’s new technology or updates to automated tools that interact with all sorts of servers or services running throughout an environment.

ITIL, Problem Management and Tripwire Enterprise

I’ve written about ITIL and Tripwire Enterprise, offering a secure approach to managing your Change Management processes, but ITIL’s guidelines offer more than just recommendations around ensuring changes happen as expected. Problem management is another key area where Tripwire Enterprise can help you on your ITIL journey. ITIL sensibly focuses on root-cause analysis for problem management.

ITIL, the Change Management Process and Tripwire Enterprise

When I speak with clients about their approach to managing their IT services, many organisations mention ITIL practices as a cornerstone to their approach. This is hardly surprising since the ITIL framework describes a sensible methodology for IT management, looking at the use of technology through the lens of what the business needs.