Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Malware Detection: Protecting your reputation and financial bottom line one transaction at a time

While major, multi-million dollar man-in-the-middle attacks have remained under the radar in recent months, spear phishing and social engineering attacks are on the rise as fraudsters continue to take advantage of the uncertainty surrounding COVID-19.

Introducing Pizzly - the OAuth Integration Proxy

At Bearer, the whole team is focused on helping developers that rely on third-party APIs. In 2019, our engineers developed a solution that eased the integration with any API that uses OAuth as the authentication method. By handling both the authentication strategy (with refresh tokens) as well as proxying the request, it saved hours of engineering time when working with API integrations.

Business Intelligence Group's 2020 Fortress Cyber Security Award for Threat Detection goes to...

We are excited to share that ManageEngine’s Log360 has been awarded the 2020 Fortress Cyber Security Award for Threat Detection. The Business Intelligence Group’s unique scoring system measures performance across multiple business domains.

Making API Requests with Python

Python is in the midst of a resurgence. It never went away, but usage now grows like never before. With machine learning developers and data scientists relying on Python, much of the web development ecosystem around the language continues to grow. One aspect that affects all three of these specializations is the powerful benefits of APIs. Pulling in data, and connecting to external services, is an essential part of any language.

How to protect your IT infrastructure from a Maze ransomware attack

Pitney Bowes, a global package delivery giant, has been hit by a second ransomware attack in less than seven months, according to ZDNet. Those responsible for the attack have released screenshots portraying directory listings from inside the company’s network. What is Maze ransomware and what makes it so special?

What is Adaptive Threat Protection?

According to McAfee, Adaptive Threat Protection (ATP) is an endpoint security’s optional module that analyzes organizational content and decides action based on file rules, reputation, and reputation thresholds. According to another source, the ATP is a security model that monitors threats, improves cybersecurity risks changes, and evolves to meet the need for security systems that are integrated with IT for continuous deployment, as well as in hybrid environments and the virtual cloud.

Card Not Present Fraud - Protecting your rails to avoid the payment fraud train wreck

When it comes to card-not-present transactions, security is constantly a moving target. Between February and April, the peak period when COVID-19 was spreading across much of the US, cyber-attacks against the financial sector were reported to have risen by 238%. The exponential growth of digital payment transactions, combined with the increasing variety of customer-facing devices and payment applications, has many financial institutions re-evaluating their approaches to cybersecurity.

Enabling DevSecOps with the Elastic Stack

Software development and delivery is an ever-changing landscape. Writing software was once an art form all its own, where you could write and deploy machine code with singleness of purpose and no concern for things like connecting to other computers. But as the world and the variety of systems that software supports became more complex, so did the ecosystem supporting software development.

What's new at New Dashboard, Log Collections & Built-in Anomalies Detection

Note: We sent this monthly newsletter on July 7th 2020. Subscribe below to get this newsletter in your inbox. Today, we are releasing major updates to Bearer. They include a new dashboard, a rebuilt navigation, and improvements to many of our existing features. Each improvement has been designed based on your feedback and with your developer experience (DX) in mind. Here’s a short overview.

Leverage advanced analytics to secure your endpoint devices

With the new normal adding several more challenges and variables to the security layer, how do you ensure your data is safeguarded without increasing the workload or the headcount of your security team? Using advanced analytics, in tandem with endpoint monitoring applications such as ManageEngine’s Mobile Device Manager Plus and Desktop Central, will help you better visualize and analyze your endpoint data, identify patterns, and establish correlations.