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2023 OWASP Top-10 Series: API6:2023 Unrestricted Access to Sensitive Business Flows

Welcome to the 7th post in our weekly series on the new 2023 OWASP API Security Top-10 list, with a particular focus on security practitioners. This post will focus on API6:2023 Unrestricted Access to Sensitive Business Flows. In this series we are taking an in-depth look at each category – the details, the impact and what you can do about it.

A CISO's Guide to Cloud Application Security

The following guidelines will help senior stakeholders set strategy to secure modern applications, learning: Applications are the operational mechanism for how a modern enterprise conducts transactions and uses data. Whether internal or customer-facing, apps are critical for your successful business operations. That means securing apps should be a business priority.

What You Need to know about API security

When people talk about complex, interconnected ecosystems, they’re really talking about how applications share data and communicate with each other. Like the air-lock on a spaceship lets people pass between physical environments, Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) enable data to pass between digital environments. However, since APIs act as access points between applications, they create potential security risks.

National Cybersecurity Strategy Implementation Plan published; Carrots and Sticks

This is the third installment in the National Cybersecurity Strategy series. To read the other two blogs, click here for part 1 and here for part 2. As I was drafting the third installment on the National Cybersecurity Strategy, the National Cybersecurity Strategy Implementation Plan was published. This follow-on document provides greater specificity on detailed actions to be taken. As such, moving forward, the two should be viewed together and assessed as a pair.

2023 OWASP Top-10 Series: API5:2023 Broken Function Level Authorization

Welcome to the 6th post in our weekly series on the new 2023 OWASP API Security Top-10 list, with a particular focus on security practitioners. This post will focus on API5:2023 Broken Function Level Authorization. In this series we are taking an in-depth look at each category – the details, the impact and what you can do about it.

API Abuse - Lessons from the Duolingo Data Scraping Attack

It’s been reported that 2.6 million user records sourced from the Duolingo app are for sale. The attacker apparently obtained them from an open API provided by the company. There’s a more technical explanation available here. While we talk a lot about the vulnerabilities in the OWASP API Top-10 and the exploits associated with those vulnerabilities, this incident provides a good reminder that not all vulnerabilities are flaws in code. In fact, this API was working as designed.

Understanding API Attacks: Why they are different and how to stop them

API attacks aren’t like traditional application attacks. Understanding those differences is crucial to protecting the valuable data and services your APIs enable. Nick Rago, Salt Security Field CTO, discusses in this webinar: We hope you enjoy the webinar on the changing nature of API attacks and learn the best practices to keep your organization safe.