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Voices from Validate: Bridging the Gap - Communicating Security Risk to the Board

SafeBreach recently held its second annual Validate Summit at The Star in Frisco, Texas, where SafeBreach customers, cybersecurity experts, and influencers explored how enterprises can stay ahead of risk and safeguard their critical business assets from inevitable cyberattacks by implementing proactive security practices. One hot topic was communicating security risk to the board.

Monitor 1Password with Datadog Cloud SIEM

1Password is a password manager that helps organizations reduce the use of weak and reused credentials across their teams. Because your organization uses 1Password to store highly sensitive information, including passwords, access keys, and secret tokens, monitoring logs generated by activity in your 1Password environment can be useful, as unexpected patterns of behavior could indicate malicious activity by attackers.

Why You Should Consider Enhanced Email Solutions as Part of Your Security Stack

It’s late Friday evening and Tom (your average everyday employee) has worked diligently to meet project deadlines and follow up with customers before his much-anticipated weeklong vacation. Exhausted from burning the midnight oil and juggling multiple tasks, he’s eager to wrap up his work and enjoy a well-deserved break. As Tom completes his last remaining task, he is greeted with one final email before signing off for the week.

FYI: the dark side of ChatGPT is in your software supply chain

Let’s face it, the tech world is a whirlwind of constant evolution. AI is no longer just a fancy add-on; it’s shaking things up and becoming part and parcel of various industries, not least software development. One such tech marvel that’s stealthily carving out a significant role in our software supply chain is OpenAI’s impressive language model – ChatGPT.

Monitor Cloudflare Zero Trust with Datadog Cloud SIEM

Cloudflare’s SASE is a zero trust network-as-a-service platform that dynamically connects users to enterprise resources, with identity-based security controls delivered close to users, wherever they are. Cloudflare spans more than 300 cities in over 100 countries, resulting in latencies under 50 milliseconds for 95 percent of the internet-connected population globally.

Data Protection on the Internet: Data Leakage Prevention for ChatGPT, Bard, Generative AI, and Shadow IT

With the rise of hybrid work, data leakage has become a significant issue. Employees are now working from a variety of locations, including their homes, coffee shops, and even public libraries. This makes it more difficult to keep track of data moving between managed endpoints and your organization's SaaS applications or private apps. Shadow IT, the use of unauthorized or unapproved software and services by employees has always been a challenge for IT departments.

What Can be Learned from the JumpCloud Security Incident

In an ideal world, security incidents result in minimal damage, and we can learn from them to improve our future defenses. Fortunately, such appears to be the case with JumpCloud. According to JumpCloud’s blog post, its recent security incident impacted fewer than 5 JumpCloud customers and fewer than 10 devices. Moreover, working together with their incident response (IR) partner Crowdstrike (also a Salt Security partner), JumpCloud has mitigated the attack vector used by the threat actor.

Improve Your Security Posture with the Essential Eight

No matter your organization’s maturity, industry, or business goals, cybersecurity should always be top of mind. Considering the Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) recorded a staggering 76,000 cybercrime reports in the 2022 financial year, it’s safe to say that all organizations are at risk for an incident or breach.