Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Adapting to Legislative Demands: Insights on Cyber Security Compliance in Critical Infrastructure

Welcome to Razorwire, the podcast dedicated to exploring the complex and evolving world of cyber security legislation. I'm your host, Jim, and in today's episode, we delve into the intricate landscape of cyber security legislation with our guests Steve Applegate and Phil Tonkin from Dragos.

The 443 Podcast - Episode 278 - A Door in Apple's Walled Garden

This week on the podcast, we cover Apple's recent announcement describing how they will comply with the European Union's new Digital Markets Act and what that means for the iPhone walled garden. Before that, we cover a databreach at Mercedez-Benze thanks to an alternative authentication method. Additionally, we cover the roundup of vulnerabilities in Ivanti's remote Policy Secure and Connect Secure products and how organizations should respond.

Navigating Deep Fakes and Geopolitical Risks in 2024: The AI Defensive Edge || Razorthorn Security

Dive into the complex world of deep fakes and the looming geopolitical risks of the upcoming year in my latest video. From the potential misinformation campaigns during elections to the role of AI, I explore how these elements intertwine and impact our digital landscape. AI is not just a potential threat; it can also be a formidable defense. I discuss the emergence of AI-driven products designed to counteract misinformation and the evolving landscape of AI battling AI. Are we stepping into a future reminiscent of sci-fi, where machines combat each other, leaving humans out of the crossfire?

Prioritizing Cybersecurity Training in 2024: From Corporations to Individuals | Razorthorn Security

In 2024, let's make cybersecurity training a top priority! Join me in exploring the crucial need for training initiatives, from corporate security teams down to individual laptop users. In this video, we discuss the importance of fostering a culture of security awareness, ensuring everyone can recognize the signs of potential threats. From corporate environments to personal devices, cybersecurity is a shared responsibility. I address the significance of providing training that goes beyond making everyone a hacker but equips them with the knowledge to identify and respond to potential risks.

Cybersecurity Standards: The Urgent Need for an Evolving Framework || Razorthorn Security

Join me in a candid conversation about the critical need for a robust and evolving cybersecurity framework. In this video, I discuss the challenges faced by well-intentioned individuals who advocate for the creation of a collective and effective group of infosec professionals from diverse backgrounds. Government initiatives often fall short, with the reluctance to invest in a dynamic and continuously improving standard.

Navigating the Chaos: How Forums Keep Us Informed Amid Rapid Changes || Razorthorn Security

Embark on a journey into the fast-paced world of ever-changing landscapes. In the realm of technology and cybersecurity, staying up-to-date is an ongoing challenge. How do we keep pace with the relentless speed of change? Join me in this video as we explore the necessity of forums and communal discussions to stay informed about legislative updates, changes in the cyber threat landscape, and the evolving tactics of adversaries.

2024 Security Landscape: The Surge in Demand for Continuous Security Testing | Razorthorn Security

Get ready for the challenges of 2024 as the demand for security testing reaches unprecedented levels. As the owner of a consultancy, I've witnessed a significant uptick in the need for security assurance, with clients seeking more than just the traditional annual security check. In this video, I share insights into the changing dynamics of security testing and unveil our upcoming continuous penetration testing platform, Razor Edge.