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The Importance of Isolated Backups for Cybersecurity

In this video, we discuss the critical role of isolated backups in protecting your organization from cyber threats such as DDOS attacks and ransomware. We explain how disk backups are done on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis and can be stored in a safe and controlled environment, ensuring that critical data can be restored in the event of a breach. By keeping backups isolated from your network infrastructure, you can prevent cybercriminals from accessing them and ensure that your organization can recover quickly and effectively.

Cybersecurity Advice for Businesses Without Information Security Professionals

In this video, we explore what businesses without information security professionals can do to protect themselves from cyber threats. While it would be ideal for all businesses to have experienced cyber personnel who can advise on critical assets and best steps, this is not always possible. Connect with Your host James Rees Hello, I am James Rees, the host of the Razorwire podcast. This podcast brings you insights from leading cyber security professionals who dedicate their careers to making a hacker’s life that much more difficult.

Fallout from Paying Ransomware: A UK Government Perspective

In this video, we discuss the potential consequences of organizations paying ransomware, specifically from a UK government perspective. We explore the hypothetical scenario of an organization being hit by the Conti ransomware and having the financial means to pay the ransom. While this may unlock their systems and maintain business continuity, it also raises questions about the legality of paying ransoms and the potential fallout from doing so. We delve into the potential repercussions of breaking the law and the importance of having robust disaster recovery policies in place to minimize the impact of such attacks. Join us as we explore this complex and timely issue.

Analysis of Recent Official Statements on Ransomware Sanctions

James Rees questions the motivations behind the decision, whether it is due to ransomware or political sanctions. Connect with Your host James Rees Hello, I am James Rees, the host of the Razorwire podcast. This podcast brings you insights from leading cyber security professionals who dedicate their careers to making a hacker’s life that much more difficult.

The Two-Step Ransomware Attack: What British Businesses Need to Know

Ransomware attacks can cripple businesses in more ways than one. Hackers can lock up your systems and hold your data for ransom, leaving you with no choice but to pay up. In this video, we explore the two-step ransomware attack and how it can affect British businesses. We discuss how hackers can encrypt your data and demand payment to unlock it, as well as how they can exfiltrate your data and hold it for ransom.

How Ransomware Sanctions Can Affect Cyber Insurance

With the rise of ransomware attacks on public and private sector organizations, insurance companies have been forced to pay large sums of money to cover the cost of these attacks. However, with UK legislation on ransomware sanctions that prevents them from paying ransomware, insurers will no longer be expected to pay out for these types of attacks. Connect with Your host James Rees Hello, I am James Rees, the host of the Razorwire podcast. This podcast brings you insights from leading cyber security professionals who dedicate their careers to making a hacker’s life that much more difficult.

Negotiating with Ransomware Actors: Why it's a Business Deal

When dealing with ransomware actors, people tend to forget that it is essentially a business negotiation. Although these actors may not be the nicest people, their goal is to make money and have you pay up. In this video, we discuss how going in with a confrontational attitude may not be the best approach. Some ransomware groups behave like gamer forum groups, using similar language and tactics, while others are more professional and skilled in negotiation. It's important to do your homework and understand that these actors may already know how much you're insured for.

Why Ransomware is Not Just a Technical or Insider Risk Problem

In this video, we explore why ransomware is not just a technical or insider risk problem, but a larger issue with how we approach technology and economic factors. With multiple parties involved, it is difficult to get a handle on this prevalent issue. However, we discuss what organizations can do preemptively to protect themselves and have a stronger negotiation position against ransomware actors.

Ransomware Sanctions: Exploring the Fallout | Razorwire Podcast

In this podcast episode, Jamie Hayward, Tom Mills, Michael Aguilera and I explore the perplexing irony of the UK government's recent proposal to ban payments to Russian ransomware groups. We debate the ethical, legal and financial implications of such a move and challenge organisations to pre-emptively defend against cyber attacks. "The best way to defeat exfiltration of your data - one of the best ways, there's a few - is using encryption." - Jamie Hayward