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The PCI DSS Series - Beginning at the End

Becoming PCI DSS compliant can be a long journey and we like to begin, possibly controversially, with requirement 12 of the 12 PCI DSS Compliance Requirements. This requirement includes information security governance and there's a lot in there about your security policies. Why begin here, you might ask? Well, watch on...

The PCI DSS Series - Top 10 Myths

There are plenty of myths and misconceptions around PCI DSS. This video guides you through this minefield - making sure you understand each myth can not only make the PCI DSS compliance process easier but also more successful. Jim shares his 10+ years' experience as a QSA to explain where these misconceptions come from and how to successfully work around them.

Should Paying a Ransom be Illegal?

We're never ones to shy away from a good debate, as you'll know if you've been following us for a while. It's a popular opinion at the moment, if you follow the chat online, to make it illegal to pay the ransom following a hack which, in theory, certainly has some merit... Unless you've been living under a rock recently, you'll know that ransomware attacks are on the rise and despite the hackers supposedly having certain 'ethics' about avoiding essential service providers, it seems that no organisation is safe from attack.

Coffee with Jim - Thoughts on the Ransomware Pandemic

Following the ransomware attack on the Colonial Pipeline, it's emerged over the weekend that at least 4 other organisations have also been hit, including an Irish healthcare organisation. It's clear that this increase in ransomware attacks is coming at a time when our security may still be running at lower levels, resulting from the emergency measures taken when everyone started working from home.

Coffee with Jim - Pipeline Chaos

Following the hack on the Colonial Pipeline in the US, join Jim as he reviews the situation one week on. We talk about what we know about the hack, what have been the effects, who are the perpetrators and what do we know about them and - most importantly - what can we learn from this and how can we protect ourselves from similar attacks?

The Interview Series - Corey Williams, CyberArk

Grab a coffee and join us for a chat with CyberArk’s Head of Identity Security Marketing, Corey Williams. If you don’t know them already, CyberArk are leaders in identity security and access management. We talk about how the pandemic has changed the way businesses can (and should!) adopt technology to improve business processes and the challenges that come with this, including how to tackle a lack of understanding and improving communication within your organisation.