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AI Revolution in Access Control: Transforming Security with Brivo

Dive into the future of security with Brivo as we explore the transformative power of Artificial Intelligence in access control systems. 🔒💡 In this video, Steve Van Till, a pioneer in smart spaces technology, unveils how AI equips us with advanced toolsets, enabling more efficient and effective security solutions. Discover how Brivo is leading the charge in integrating AI into commercial real estate, multifamily residential, and large enterprises, ensuring unparalleled security automation. 🤖🔑

Why InfoSec is the 'Department of No': Insights from a Cybersecurity Expert

Dive into the world of cybersecurity with this eye-opening episode from the Razorwire Podcast. Discover why cybersecurity teams are often seen as the "Department of No" in the corporate world, similar to how dentists are viewed—necessary but avoided until absolutely essential. This short explores the crucial, yet often thankless job of protecting data and systems, highlighting the unique challenges faced by those in information security. Join us to understand the critical role these professionals play, especially when crisis strikes and the organisation's digital health is at risk.

Announcing our $50M Series B extension

It’s a big day for Tines as we announce a major milestone in the Tines journey. We recently completed a second Series B extension, raising an additional $50M from existing investors. What does this mean for Tines? Well, first and foremost, our mission doesn't change. The additional funding allows us to double down on our investment in people, product, partnerships, community, and customers.