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SASE vs. the Upside Down World of Networking and Security

Before SASE, network and network security services were delivered through multiple point solutions, including legacy appliances. These legacy appliances operated in silos and required countless IT resources and attention to deploy, manage, maintain, and replace. Today, some enterprises are still trapped using these legacy appliances, despite their shortcomings. In the parallel, modern world, SASE offers a single cloud-native network and security service for all networking and security needs.

Six Methods to Test Your Organization's Resilience to Cyberattacks

There are a number of security validation methods available on the market today, but each has different uses and functions. And, not all of them are appropriate in every IT environment. As a result, many organizations waste time and resources on technologies or approaches that may work well for others, but aren't a good fit for their specific use case.

Achieving Zero Trust Maturity with Cato SSE 360

While organizations realize they must deploy zero trust, knowing where to begin and how to deploy has become an impediment for many. The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency (CISA) is one of several zero-trust maturity models that provide organizations with a measurable path to zero trust. The Cato SSE 360 architecture is a secure platform that helps facilitate Zero Trust maturity while delivering complete 360-degree protection for users, applications and data. This white paper will discuss how Cato SSE 360 can help facilitate Zero Trust Maturity.

Data Privacy Is Good For Business

With privacy now a top priority for lawmakers and consumers, companies must protect and leverage data for their strategic benefit. Data privacy can be daunting for organizations to spearhead on their own. Thankfully, Protegrity takes the guesswork out of complying with regulations, protecting personal information, and analyzing data for trends and AI-driven initiatives.

Consider Protegrity For Your Cloud Security

As companies migrate sensitive data to cloud-based applications like Snowflake and the Google Cloud Platform, prioritizing a data security solution with easy-to-use security controls is the key to your company's success. With Protegrity, you'll be able to manage sensitive data, no matter where it goes.

5 Ways to Evaluate the ROI of Your Cybersecurity Program

Cybersecurity ROI isn't about cost savings. It's about how your cybersecurity program helps you achieve your goals while managing risk to a level that your executive team is comfortable with. So if you shouldn't measure success in cost savings, how do you measure it? BitSight is providing five steps that help CISOs and executive teams evaluate their company's cybersecurity performance.