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5 Best Open Source Application Security Security Tools in 2024

As cybersecurity becomes increasingly important in software development, the “shift left” security approach is widely recognized as a best practice for ensuring superior application security. Numerous traditional security firms are introducing shift-left products and capabilities, and the concept is gaining traction. However, some open source application security tools are more developer-friendly than others.

Cloud Application Security - Top Threats and Best Practices

Cloud workloads continue to grow as new digital innovations arise monthly in the worlds of IoT applications, cloud services, and big data analytics. However, the cloud's dynamic and often complex nature can make cloud application security challenging. This gap in cloud security readiness is a growing concern for organizations worldwide, with CISOs feeling the pressure. 61% of CISOs feel unequipped to cope with a targeted attack, and 68% expect such an attack within the following year.

Vulnerability Assessments vs. Penetration Testing: Key Differences

In the race for technological innovation, companies often sprint toward product launches but find themselves in a marathon when fixing vulnerabilities. This dichotomy poses a significant challenge, especially with the ever-increasing security loopholes. CISA recommends addressing critical issues in less than 15 days, but it may be wishful thinking. IT teams are inundated with an ever-increasing volume of security alerts, making it challenging to prioritize and address each one effectively.

10 Popular SCA Tools to Protect Your Code in 2024

Software Composition Analysis (SCA) tools have been around since 2002, and they are now more critical than ever for identifying vulnerabilities in your codebase's libraries, frameworks, and third-party components. According to a Capterra report, 61% of businesses have been affected by a supply chain threat in the last year. If you’re one of the lucky 39%, Capterra suggests it really came down to luck - as nearly all companies use at least one third-party vendor.

Compare the Top 10 SAST Tools to Unlock Superior Code Quality

In the famous book “Code Complete,” published by Microsoft Press, author Steve McConnel emphasized the importance of writing code for people first and computers second for better code readability. This was in 1993, when cyber attacks were practically non-existent. Fast forward to 2023, we have a greater challenge: writing code for tackling hackers first and users second.  This challenge is compounded by the rise of cybersecurity incidents due to security vulnerabilities in code.

The 2024 In-Depth Guide to OWASP Top 10 Vulnerabilities & How to Prevent Them

The OWASP Top 10 list is the go-to resource to begin understand application security risk for software developers and information security professionals. Most of us don't know we're harboring vulnerabilities in plain sight. During 2020 and 2021, there were an average of 15 vulnerabilities per site, and two out of these fifteen vulnerabilities were of high severity. ‍To protect against vulnerabilities, you first need to be aware of them. That’s where the OWASP Top 10 list comes in handy.

Unzipping the XZ Backdoor and Its Lessons for Open Source

By now, you have probably heard about the recently discovered backdoor into versions 5.6.0 and 5.6.1 of the tarballs of the xz utilities, a popular compression/decompression library for xz files, which provides unauthorized remote access under certain conditions. This vulnerability was reported under CVE-2024-3094. Andres Freund, of Microsoft, who discovered the vulnerability, summarized it well.

State of DevSecOps

Shipping secure code rapidly and at scale is a challenge across the software industry, as evidenced by continued news of high-profile data breaches and critical vulnerabilities. To address this challenge, organizations are increasingly adopting DevSecOps, a practice in which application developers work closely alongside operations and security teams throughout the development life cycle.