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What is ZTNA? Benefits and Implementation Explained

Organizations must stay ahead of the ever-changing landscape of cyber threats and embrace Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA), a modern approach to network security. With ZTNA, granular access control is enforced along with identity-based authentication for secure and efficient networks that protect valuable assets. Are you ready to experience the benefits offered by this revolutionary zero trust implementation of network access?

How to Implement Zero Trust with SenseOn

Bad news first. Implementing Zero Trust is more complex than using a particular service or a product. Although definitions vary, Zero Trust is an approach to network architecture that moves security closer to user actions and away from network assets. In a 100% Zero Trust environment, no user, process or application inside a network is trusted by default.

What Zero Trust Vendors Need To Tell You

What size Zero Trust would you like? Zero Trust Architecture (ZTA), and cybersecurity in general, would be easier if you could walk into a Zero Trust shop instead of navigating a human and technological minefield featuring confused executives, reluctant employees, and a buzzword-heavy Zero Trust vendor landscape. The fact that “humans don’t work in a Zero Trust manner” will not change anytime soon, but technology is something in your control.

Zero Trust Security: Principles, Importance, and Working Mechanism

The Zero Trust security model is based on the idea that users and devices are not to be trusted. The world’s zero trust security market is projected to reach a value of US$ 54.6 billion by 2026. The reason for such an increased value of Zero Trust security is the frequency of cyberattacks. Also, an increase in data protection and security regulations contributes to this growth.

What Is Zero Trust? Top Benefits & How It Works

Organizations are tasked with the continuous challenge of having to keep up with advancing cyber threats and must change their security strategies for them to remain secure. Zero Trust Security is a response that demands identity validation from all users, devices, and networks, thus eliminating implicit trust altogether.

Netskope Enables 100% Legacy VPN Replacement with ZTNA Next

For infrastructure and operations (I&O) teams, the transition from legacy architectures to a modern zero trust architecture is far from straightforward. Teams often face a complex patchwork of fragmented and siloed systems of different vintages, along with the challenge of managing dozens of disparate security and networking vendors.

Leveraging AT&T Cybersecurity Consulting for a robust Zero Trust Center of Excellence

As cybersecurity becomes increasingly complex, having a centralized team of experts driving continuous innovation and improvement in their Zero Trust journey is invaluable. A Zero Trust Center of Excellence (CoE) can serve as the hub of expertise, driving the organization's strategy in its focus area, standardizing best practices, fostering innovation, and providing training.

Cato named a Leader in Forrester's 2023 Wave for Zero Trust Edge

Today, Forrester released The Forrester Wave™: Zero Trust Edge Solutions, Q3 2023 Report. Zero Trust Edge (ZTE) is Forrester’s name for SASE. We were delighted to be described as the “poster child” of ZTE and SASE and be named a “Leader” in the report.

Integrate Cloudflare Zero Trust with Datadog Cloud SIEM

Cloudflare's Zero Trust platform helps organizations map and adopt a strong security posture. This ranges from Zero Trust Network Access, a Secure Web Gateway to help filter traffic, to Cloud Access Security Broker and Data Loss Prevention to protect data in transit and in the cloud. Customers use Cloudflare to verify, isolate, and inspect all devices managed by IT. Our composable, in-line solutions offer a simplified approach to security and a comprehensive set of logs.

Monitor Cloudflare Zero Trust with Datadog Cloud SIEM

Cloudflare’s SASE is a zero trust network-as-a-service platform that dynamically connects users to enterprise resources, with identity-based security controls delivered close to users, wherever they are. Cloudflare spans more than 300 cities in over 100 countries, resulting in latencies under 50 milliseconds for 95 percent of the internet-connected population globally.