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Exploring OneTrust Alternatives: Which GRC Fits You Best?

When one looks at the marketplace of governance, risk management, and compliance (GRC) software platforms, it’s clear that OneTrust has established itself as a key player in the field — and also that the quest for the right GRC solution is a nuanced exercise, depending on your organization’s specific needs and preferences.

Corporate Cybersecurity Engagement - A Practical Guide for Investors

Bitsight's leading analytics and workflows allow Nomura Asset Management to effectively reduce cyber risk across credit portfolios through targeted engagement. The increasing frequency and complexity of cyber attacks makes one thing clear - cyber risk is inextricably linked to business performance. This has prompted investors to prioritize cyber risk assessments within their portfolios.

How to Avoid Online Tax Day Scams: Tips to protect your finances and data

As Tax Day in the U.S. looms on the horizon, so too does the risk of falling victim to online scams. In 1986, the first year that e-filing was available, five people filed their returns electronically. Since then, the popularity of e-filing has increased so much that 92% of individual tax returns are now e-filed. As online tax filing and payment have become more popular, though, scams targeting unsuspecting taxpayers have as well.

Third-Party Risk: How MDR Offers Relief as Security Threats Abound

While third-party products and services are crucial to everyday business operations for almost any company, they also present significant security concerns, as high-profile attacks including SolarWinds and MOVEit laid bare. Trustwave research shows the attacks vary by industry but also makes clear the best defense is the stringent application of the latest security measures, including penetration tests, vulnerability scans, and managed detection and response (MDR) services.

Developing a Robust Business Continuity Policy: A Step-by-Step Guide

Business continuity planning is essential for every organization, regardless of size or industry. You need a plan for potential disasters or disruptions to normal business operations. An effective business continuity plan (BCP) details the procedures and resources needed to respond and recover when adverse events happen.

Tackling Patient Data Risks: TPRM for India's Healthcare Sector

India’s healthcare system finds itself at a critical crossroads, struggling to navigate challenges of accessibility, affordability, and quality by pursuing rapid digitization. While this digital transformation provides extensive benefits ranging from greater efficiency to improved quality of care, it also increases the amount of sensitive patient data healthcare organizations store electronically, escalating concerns regarding data privacy and protection.

Why metrics-and context-matter: How CISOs can measure and communicate cyber resilience

Cyberattacks in the digital supply chain are now some of the most common cyber incidents today, with many of the recent major breaches resulting from a single vulnerability. Because of the rapid pace and scale of these attacks, cyber leaders can no longer rely on static analyses of their environments, and must continuously assess cyber risk across their entire supply chain and vendor ecosystem.

5 Steps to Creating an Incident Response Plan

No matter how robust your cyber defenses are, there is a high likelihood that your organization will experience a cybersecurity incident—either directly or as a result of a supply chain attack. Implementing a cybersecurity incident response plan can help you effectively address a cyber event, reduce disruptions to your business operations, and ensure compliance with regulations.

Why is the Exposure Management Market So Confusing? Wading Through the Acronyms

If there's one certainty in life for CISOs it is that when it is time to buy into a new or consolidating security technology niche, they're going to have to eat their fair share of alphabet soup. Tech analysts and marketers do love their acronyms after all. We've got our SIEMs, our SOCS, and our MFAs and MDRs to prove that one out.

Enhancing Vendor Relations: Strategies for Direct Communication

Most businesses depend on their supply chains for success — but as the Covid-19 pandemic painfully demonstrated, few companies have a full grasp of their supply chain risk and know how to manage that risk well. One crucial issue is how you communicate with your vendors; vendor communication is a vital part of the procurement process. In this article we’ll explore several strategies for efficient and effective communication and how you can implement them.