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Measuring the Effectiveness of Cyber Security GRC

‍Cyber security governance, risk, and compliance (GRC) programs are often viewed as cumbersome - a necessary yet costly component of doing business, providing very little value to the organization in terms of strategic impact. This narrow perception, unfortunately, limits the plethora of opportunities that a robust cyber security GRC framework would otherwise unlock.

Delivering Effective Customer Notifications

A few months ago I received a call from my Grandma. She was concerned about having received a notification that she had been part of a data breach and wasn’t sure what to do about it. She had many seemingly basic, but good questions; What’s PII? I use the app on my iPad, is it safe to log into other applications like my bank? Is it safe to use my account? How do I know when it’s safe?

OSINT Framework: How Open Source Intelligence Powers Cybersecurity

Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) is the backbone of modern cybersecurity investigations, helping analysts and law enforcement uncover threats, assess risks, and gather intelligence from publicly available sources. In this guide, we break down everything you need to know about OSINT, from key frameworks and tools to how it's used in cybersecurity.

Breaking the Swivel Chair Cycle: Why Security Teams Struggle with Asset Visibility-and How to Fix It

For many security professionals, managing asset visibility feels like an endless game of whack-a-mole. They are stuck in what experts call the “swivel chair approach”—constantly pivoting between multiple dashboards, spreadsheets, and security tools to manually stitch together an understanding of their risk landscape.

7 Questions Tech Buyers Should Ask About How Their Vendors Use AI

As AI becomes an increasingly critical component in the digital supply chain, tech buyers are struggling to appropriately measure and manage their AI risk. Keeping tabs on emerging risk from the AI technology they use is hard enough. But often the most crucial AI business functions that organizations depend upon aren’t directly under their control or care, but instead are governed by the tech vendors that embed them into their underlying software.

Securing Data Flows into Your Cloud Data Warehouse

Traditionally, data security focused on protecting data at rest within the confines of your on-premise data center. The cloud era has blurred these lines. Data now flows through complex pipelines, often traversing multiple services and third-party vendors. This expanded data perimeter creates new vulnerabilities: It’s crucial to ensure that the data loaded into warehouses and analytics tools is scanned for sensitive information and redacted or redirected accordingly.

Securing Budget for TPRM: How to Convince Executives to Invest

Advocating for a larger budget is a common need for most security professionals. With so many business obligations fighting for priority and funding, even vital concerns like Vendor Risk Management can fall through the cracks. However, third-party cyber risks can devastate businesses in the blink of an eye—meaning maintaining a proper third-party risk management program should be at the top of your priority list.