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New cybersecurity threat-focused reports from ENISA

The latest ENISA reports help inform about threat response and a more effective, risk-based approach to cybersecurity In December 2024, the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) released its first-ever report on the state of cybersecurity in the Union. The report, which was prepared in accordance with Article 18 of the NIS2 Directive, is a comprehensive, evidence-based overview of the cybersecurity ecosystem across EU Member States.

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Compliance: An Advanced Guide

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a pivotal framework that governs data protection and privacy for individuals within the European Union (EU). Its implications are far-reaching, affecting organizations worldwide that handle EU citizens' data. Understanding and achieving GDPR compliance is essential to avoid substantial penalties and to maintain trust with customers.

Opportunities & Risks for Digital-first Leaders in Business-led IT

In the digital era, the ability to adopt and integrate technology quickly has become a key driver of business success. Technology decisions are increasingly being made outside IT organizations as cloud-based tools, SaaS platforms, and low-code/no-code solutions become more accessible. Known as business-led IT, this trend democratizes technology, empowering business leaders to innovate independently.

Securing Your Financial Ecosystem: A Guide to Managed Services for Supply Chain Detection and Response

A single breach can have devastating consequences in the highly regulated financial services industry. From reputational damage and customer loss to severe financial penalties, safeguarding your entire ecosystem is paramount. This blog explores the critical role of Managed Services for Supply Chain Detection and Response (SCDR) in securing your financial services organization.

The HIPAA to HISAA transformation

The healthcare industry stands at the cusp of a major transformation with the introduction of the Healthcare Information Security Accountability Act (HISAA), a progressive regulatory framework set to replace the decades-old Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). HISAA is designed to address the evolving complexities of healthcare data management, emphasizing real-time data governance, proactive monitoring, and stricter controls over third-party data exchanges.

The Future of Cybersecurity: Insights and Predictions for 2025

2024 marked a transformative shift in cybersecurity with AI and data driven cyber security leading the change. As the threat landscape evolves, the stage is set for further advancements in continuous risk management, threat monitoring, resilience, and governance in 2025, shaping a more secure and dynamic digital landscape where cybersecurity is becoming a catalyst for business success and compliance.

Web Application Security for DevOps: Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) and Subresource Integrity (SRI)

With all of that background from parts 1, 2, and 3 of this series out of the way, let's turn to some practical considerations for real-world web applications. The inherent security restrictions for resources, including cookies and JavaScript, assume that each website contains all of its functionality in one neat, isolated package. But websites often contain content and functionality from multiple websites that trust each other.

Kovrr's Top 9 Cyber Loss Scenarios: A Year In Review

‍ ‍While each organization faces its own unique set of cyber risks that must be carefully assessed and managed in order to reach a state of resilience, certain events are nearly inevitable in today's threat environment, having the potential to create damaging ripple effects across the global market. Early in 2024, Kovrr's cyber risk quantification models identified these potential cyber incidents and loss scenarios most likely to impact organizations worldwide in the upcoming year.