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Are smart homes really safe from hackers?

There are a number of smart devices becoming commonplace in homes around the world, leading us closer and closer to the reality of smart homes, or houses that depend primarily on interconnected smart tech. Heating, lighting, and common appliances like doorbells, alarms, and entertainment devices are now increasingly being designed to operate on the internet of things (IoT).

How to manage Internet of Things (IoT) security in 2019

Photo by BENCE BOROS on Unsplash Welcome to the world of Internet of Things (IoT) and a glimpse into the future. The IoT is where the physical world merges with the digital world. Soon, we expect the world IoT population to outnumber the human population tenfold—perhaps as many as 80 billion connected devices by 2025.

Security Strategies for Mitigating IoT Botnet Threats

As DevSecOps continues to redefine the IT security landscape, security is becoming everyone’s responsibility. That means that staying ahead of the latest cybersecurity threats—such as IoT botnets—should be a priority for every DevOps professional. To help you do that, this article discusses strategies for combating IoT botnets.

Protecting Modern IoMT Against Cybersecurity Challenges

Even though the healthcare industry has been slower to adopt Internet of Things technologies than other industries, the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) is destined to transform how we keep people safe and healthy, especially as the demand for lowering healthcare costs increases. The Internet of Medical Things refers to the connected system of medical devices and applications that collect data that is then provided to healthcare IT systems through online computer networks.

IoT Devices - Why Risk Assessment is Critical to Cybersecurity

As technology continues to pervade modern-day society, security and trust have become significant concerns. This is particularly due to the plethora of cyber attacks that target organizations, governments and society. The traditional approach to address such challenges has been to conduct cybersecurity risk assessments that seek to identify critical assets, the threats they face, the likelihood of a successful attack and the harm that may be caused.

Protecting your home from physical and cyber attacks

By 2025, it is estimated that there will be over 64 billion IoT devices around the world, with an increasing number being used around the home by mainstream consumers. Although these devices offer convenience and ease, homeowners need to be responsible for ensuring their security and safe upkeep. In the same way that homeowners add security systems to protect the physical aspects of a property, taking steps to improve the security of IoT devices will keep connected smart systems safe from attack.

There's no such thing as 100% secure

When Gronk the caveperson chipped out the first wheel from a slab of granite only to watch it roll away down a hill at some speed, he discovered we could build things to make our lives easier. We took this idea and ran with it, and now we have internet connected shoes. However, we also have cybercrime, data theft, phishing, scams, ransomware... the list goes on.

Machine data processing and 5G, IoT, and AI at Mobile World Congress 2019

One thing that’s become evident to me after years attending Mobile World Congress is that, in fact, there are several events running in parallel, with a few common denominators: network technology providers, device manufacturers, telecom operators, and services companies all come to Barcelona to present and demonstrate the latest and greatest of the year’s dominating trends.