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Eliminate Special Tools With Egnyte's PDF Annotation Feature

Portable Document Format (PDF) files are popular in the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) industry for their standard format that can be viewed and interacted with by anyone with access to the file. But what makes PDF files even more powerful is a users’ ability to easily annotate the file with their changes, edits and suggestions.

Project Management Gets Easier with Egnyte's Project Homepage

It can be difficult for architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) firms to keep up with the latest project updates and ensure all stakeholders are kept informed. To help streamline project management processes, Egnyte is proud to introduce the project homepage – making critical information more accessible than ever before.

Modern, Secure Data Access with Egnyte and Salesforce

Every sales and marketing interaction — regardless of where it happens — generates data. Every note written on a salesperson’s computer and every contract or presentation that is uploaded into a CRM system produces valuable signals sales teams use to secure leads and close deals.

Why AEC Firms Struggle with SharePoint and OneDrive (And What They Can Do About It)

The AEC industry is notoriously reliant on data - data that is housed in documents that support design through initial bid response and project build to post occupancy. Project teams employ everything from traditional Microsoft word documents and excel spreadsheets to extremely large industry specific files such as BIM, CAD, RVT, DWG, as well as point cloud data generated by 3D laser scanners and LiDAR - just to name a few.

4 Reasons Why SMBs Need To Prioritize Cybersecurity

‍ As a cybersecurity evangelist, I’m constantly exposed to contrasting perspectives on the significance of IT Security projects. Although companies of all shapes and sizes have become more vigilant about cyber protection, it’s fairly commonplace for SMBs to think, ”We’re too small to be of interest to cyberattackers.” Nothing could be further from the truth.

February Product Rollup: Search Queries, Smart Upload, and More

‍ Welcome back to another edition of our monthly product rollup! This month, we’re excited to bring you enhancements to search with saved search queries, Smart Upload for Egnyte’s Android app, improvements to Microsoft co-editing on Desktop App and Desktop App Core for Mac, and more.

Eight Things to Consider if You're Considering ChatGPT

Since ChatGPT was released by OpenAI last year, large language models like it have gone viral. Cheerleaders extol these AI models as the future of work, maybe the best thing to happen since the invention of the internet, or as the invention that changes everything. Detractors point to their gaffs, failures, and “hallucinations.” Both Google and Microsoft have been embarrassed in the last several days by the outputs of their respective chatbots.

Setting Up a New eTMF Study in Egnyte

Egnyte’s eTMF allows you to assemble all the critical documentation related to your clinical trial so that you stay on track and audit-ready. Running your own eTMF gives you full visibility and control over data that is critical to the success of your company. In this article, you’ll learn how to set up a new study in Egnyte’s eTMF app.

How to Import your Historical Controlled Documents into Egnyte

‍ If you’re a quality professional then you know that maintaining compliance, audit, and tracking of your controlled documents is critical. When you adopt Egnyte’s Controlled Document Management, you’ll have all of the tools to review, approve, release, and train your users on your policies, procedures, and other controlled docs. But what should you do about all of your existing controlled documents?