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Mitigating DOM clobbering attacks in JavaScript

The Document Object Model (DOM) acts as an interface between HTML and JavaScript, bridging the gap between static content and dynamic interactivity. This function makes the DOM indispensable for modern web developers. However, the DOM has a pitfall — DOM clobbering. DOM clobbering occurs when HTML elements conflict with global JavaScript variables or functions, which can lead to unexpected behavior and a potential security loophole in your web application.

Discussions on improving security through chaos engineering

When you rely on a tool to support you in an intense situation, you probably want reassurance that it got tested for extreme conditions. For example, if you’re about to go skydiving, you'd want to know that the parachute strapped to your back underwent rigorous testing and will perform it's needed most. The same is true with the systems supporting our security initiatives. What happens when those systems are under high pressure in an emergency?

How to Dockerize a PHP application securely

Let’s say you’ve built a PHP application, but you want to separate it from supporting infrastructure in a way that keeps things lightweight, portable, and still quite secure. You’d like other developers to be able to work on it without having to recreate whole environments. In short, what you want to do with your application is containerize it — package it and its dependencies into containers that can be easily shared across environments.

Implementing TLS in Kubernetes

As cloud technology continues to evolve, the demand for Kubernetes is skyrocketing. As a result, security has become a top priority for developers looking to protect their application data. That's where Transport Layer Security (TLS) comes into play. TLS is essential for ensuring a secure connection between your applications and the internet. TLS leverages asymmetric and symmetric cryptographies to keep your data secure in transit and at rest.

How secure is WebAssembly? 5 security concerns unique to WebAssembly

WebAssembly, sometimes called Wasm, is a portable, low-level binary code instruction format executed in a web browser’s virtual machine (VM). It enables developers to write high-performance code in various languages and runs alongside JavaScript. Developers are embracing WebAssembly for its ability to accelerate complex algorithms, enable gaming and multimedia applications, and provide a secure sandbox environment for running untrusted code.

Control your role! Kubernetes RBAC explored

Role-based access control (RBAC) is an approach for controlling which actions and resources in a system are available to different users. Users are assigned roles that grant them permission to use particular system features. Kubernetes has a robust built-in RBAC implementation for authorizing user interactions with your cluster. Setting up RBAC allows you to define the specific actions that users can perform on each Kubernetes object type.

Snyk's 2023 State of Open Source Security: Supply chain security, AI, and more

The 2021 Log4Shell incident cast a bright light on open source software security — and especially on supply chain security. The 18 months following the incident brought a greater focus on open source software security than at any time in history. Organizations like the OpenSSF, AlphaOmega, and large technology companies are putting considerable resources towards tooling and education. But is open source software security actually improving? And where are efforts still falling short?

8 tips for securing your CI/CD pipeline with Snyk

Securing your CI/CD pipeline is critical to modern application security. So, we created a cheat sheet to make the process easier. In this post, we’ll cover using Snyk in your CI/CD pipelines to catch security issues quickly and empower your developers to fix them before they get to production.