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Insider Threats

The latest News and Information on Insider Threats including employee monitoring and data privacy.

How to Detect Employee Fraud - Malicious Insider Protection

The greatest risk to a company is actually its own employees. Malicious insiders can commit employee fraud in many different ways: data theft, timecard theft, and monetary/asset theft are just a few types of fraud to keep on your radar. Here are four tools and practices you can adopt to detect employee fraud should it happen in your organization.

Who to Consider an Insider Threat in Your Organization

Typically, people think of security threats as outside attacks on an organization. Data security plans tend to focus on securing the perimeter, endpoints, email and data. Though these are certainly critical measures, all organizations should realize the real threat that insiders, or internal employees, pose to operations.

How to Conduct a Workplace Investigation

Workplace investigations can be extremely tense and have high stakes. While every investigation will look a little different based on the nature of the company, HR team and incident, it’s important to have a clearly defined plan for investigating reports filed by employees. Here’s a step-by-step guide to conducting a timely, impartial and thorough workplace investigation.