The latest News and Information on Insider Threats including employee monitoring and data privacy.
The modern workforce looks a lot different than it did even a decade ago. If employees actually go to a physical office, their workplaces are often defined by open concepts, collaboration and frequent communication. None of this is by accident. Studies consistently show that happy employees are more productive employees, and autonomy and access are two factors that can make employees happy.
Gone are the days when our greatest inklings of insider threats were employees who never wanted to take vacation and did everything to avoid letting others see the financial records they were maintaining. Today, insider threats come in a concerning variety of forms with consequences often exceeding millions of dollars. As time passes, more industries than ever before are feeling the sting of security incidents and breaches stemming from their very own trusted employees and partners.
Cybersecurity has three pillars of people, process, and technology. Enterprises have historically had a skewed focus towards the technology aspect of cyber security - installing another endpoint agent, or deploying another network monitoring device designed to seek out anomalys behaviour.
Ponemon’s 2019 State of Password and Authentication Security Behaviors Report highlights how inappropriate use of privileged password can give insiders the access they need. Ultimately, the malicious insider needs one thing to perform an act that hurts the organization – access.
The idea of your employees being solicited on the Dark Web isn’t a hypothetical; it’s real, it’s tempting, and it’s lucrative. We’ve written previously about the dangers of the Dark Web and why you need to be paying attention as an employer. One of the realities of the dark web is the issue of recruitment.
Recent findings report that on average, 96 percent of systems across all industry segments have been breached. While you should absolutely update your information security system and protocols to provide the best protection you can for your data, you should also know how to spot a data breach. Unfortunately the odds of escaping one aren’t in your favor, but you can increase your chances of spotting a breach quickly and containing any damage.
KPMG’s Fraud Barometer Says Most Crime is Perpetrated by Employees and Managers Already Inside Companies. The introspective look at the UK’s £1.2 billion in 2018 fraud cases by KPMG demonstrates the need to be mindful of insiders. Each year, professional services company KMPG puts out their annual Fraud Barometer report, providing readers with the state of corporate fraud.