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The Bot Problem Why is it Necessary to Mitigate Bot Threats

Data from a recent report revealed that bots take up two-thirds of the internet traffic. However, not all bots are safe and well-intentioned. Research further suggests that of in all of the web traffic, nearly 40% is bad bot traffic and around 25% is good bot traffic. Given how destructive bad bots are, it is essential to use a bot protection solution to detect bad bots, manage bot traffic, and mitigate bot threats. Read on to know more about bot protection solutions and how they help organizations.

Netacea Receives Top Score in Bot Detection Criterion in 2022 Analyst Report

Agentless bot management provider ranked among top players in Analyst Report Manchester, 12th April, 2022 – Netacea, the bot detection and mitigation specialist, today announced it has received the highest score in the Bot Detection criterion in The Forrester Wave™: Bot Management, Q2 2022 report.

Join the red team: Why every business should adopt an adversarial mindset

Netacea CTO Andy Still was recently joined on the Cybersecurity Sessions podcast by Jonathan Echavarria, an offensive security expert and Enterprise Architect at ReliaQuest. Jonathan shared his perspectives and philosophies around offensive security and what he gained from his time being part of a ‘red team’ at Facebook. Let’s recap some of the insights Andy discussed with Jonathan.

Offensive Security | Cybersecurity Sessions #6 with Jonathan Echavarria

How can you really know what havoc hackers could wreak on your systems? By challenging them to do it and fixing the exploits they discover, of course. In this episode of the Cybersecurity Sessions, Andy finds out what it’s like to be on a ‘red team’ tasked with hacking into an employer’s own systems by any means necessary, with lauded offensive security practitioner Jonathan Echavarria (ReliaQuest).

The trader bots controlling the global stock market

Trading on the stock market has only grown more complex in the past few decades. Thanks to high frequency trading (HFT) and the rise of Big Data in financial markets, it’s impossible for an individual investor, trader or stock analyst to make the right investment decisions quickly enough to react to an increasingly complex market. With traders needing to make investment decisions on-the-spot in seconds, not minutes, it’s unsurprising that they have turned to rule-based automation and AI.

Why you shouldn't share your Netflix password, even with your parents

In March 2021, Netflix users logging into shared accounts reported seeing a message on the service telling them, “If you don’t live with the owner of this account, you need your own account to keep watching.” At the time, the affected users had to input a multifactor authentication (MFA) code sent via SMS or email to regain access.

Break the account takeover kill chain with better password encryption

The new currency in the digital age is personally identifiable information (PII). Information about who we are, what we like, how we act, where we go and why we do things is a valuable resource which organizations use to sell to us more effectively. Users rightly expect businesses to take proper care of this information, because in the wrong hands, it can be used to harm the user.