Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

September 2024

Tanium Podcast | Spot and prioritize threats faster with Tanium and Microsoft Copilot

“You don't need to be an expert in security response to effectively leverage powerful and complex tool.” Learn how Tanium customers get actionable responses in seconds to endpoint vulnerabilities and threats with Tanium & Microsoft Copilot for Security.

TCPRS Tanium Certified Professional Endpoint Risk and Security - Certification - Tech Talks #103

Welcome to this segment of the Tanium certification series. Today's exam covers some of the most popular use cases and modules of Tanium in the risk, security, and compliance areas. We're talking about the brand new TCPRS exam, Tanium Certified Professional - Endpoint Risk & Security. As with other exams in this series, I've invited one of the specialists who helped author the exam questions to give us an inside look at what is covered and to help us prepare for this exam.

TCSCD Tanium Certified Specialist Cloud Deployment - Certification Series - Tanium Tech Talks #101

Welcome to this installment of the Tanium certification series. Today's exam covers key knowledge for planning and deploying Tanium in the cloud. We're talking about the TCSCD exam, Tanium Certified Specialist Cloud Deployment. As with other exams in this series, I've invited one of the experts who helped write the exam questions to give us an insider's look at what is covered and to help you prepare.

TCPEM Tanium Certified Professional Endpoint Management - Certification - Tanium Tech Talks #102

Welcome to this installment of the Tanium certification series. Today's exam covers some of the most popular use cases and modules of Tanium in the operations area. We're talking about the TCPEM exam, Tanium Certified Professional - Endpoint Management. As with other exams in this series, I've invited one of the experts who helped write the exam questions to give us an insider's look at what is covered and to help you prepare for this exam.