Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

May 2024

Symmetric vs. asymmetric encryption: Practical Python examples

Symmetric and asymmetric encryption are the two most common ways to protect sensitive data with cryptography. These methods use key(s) to transform an unencrypted message into an encrypted message (a ciphertext) that is extremely difficult to decrypt without the correct key(s). Symmetric encryption uses a single key to encrypt and decrypt data. In contrast, asymmetric encryption uses a pair of keys, a public and private key, to encrypt and decrypt sensitive data.

AppSec spring cleaning checklist

Something about the springtime sunshine and blooming flowers inspires many of us to start cleaning. For some, it might be tackling the backyard shed that accumulated cobwebs over the winter or that overflowing junk drawer in the corner of the kitchen. As you survey your home and yard and decide where to start cleaning, it’s also a great time to look at your application security program and see if any of your existing processes need some tidying up. Here are a few great places to start.

The ultimate guide to creating a secure Python package

Creating a Python package involves several actions, such as figuring out an apt directory structure, creating package files, and configuring the package metadata before deploying it. There are a few other steps that you need to follow including creating a subdirectory for tests and clear documentation. Once the package is ready, you can distribute it to various distribution archives. With that, your Python package will be ready for others to install and use.

Integrating Snyk Code SAST results in your ServiceNow workflows

Application security teams often lack the crucial information and visibility needed to find, prioritize, and remediate risks in their most business-critical applications. To solve this application security challenge, ServiceNow and Snyk have partnered to provide a singular view of the risk within these applications — exposing the severity and criticality of vulnerabilities while providing actionable workflows to boost your overall security posture.

More accurate than GPT-4: How Snyk's CodeReduce improved the performance of other LLMs

Snyk has been a pioneer in AI-powered cybersecurity since the launch of Snyk Code in 2021, with the DeepCode AI engine bringing unmatched accuracy and speed to identifying security issues in the SAST space for the first time. Over the last 3 years, we have seen the rise of AI and LLMs, which Snyk has been at the forefront of with the introduction of new AI-based capabilities, such as DeepCode AI Fix, our vulnerability autofixing feature, or our third-party dependency reachability feature.

10 Node.js runtime features you SHOULD be using in 2024

Here are 10 Modern Node.js runtime features to start using in 2024! ✍️ Resources ✍️ ⏲️ Chapters ⏲️ ⚒️ About Snyk ⚒️ Snyk helps you find and fix vulnerabilities in your code, open-source dependencies, containers, infrastructure-as-code, software pipelines, IDEs, and more! Move fast, stay secure.