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April 2022

Three Benefits Authorization Brings to your Identity Strategy

Organizations today are embracing cloud-native technologies to increase time-to-market, scalability and cost savings. A big part of the cloud-native transition is moving legacy systems and architectures to the cloud. With this comes both complexity and new risks because modern applications are often composed of dozens of microservices, housed in containers and hosted on immutable, dynamically scaling platforms like Kubernetes.

Learn Microservice Authorization on Styra Academy

Styra Academy, our online training portal for free courses on OPA, Rego, and Styra Declarative Authorization Service, has a new course available - Microservice Authorization! Before diving in, let’s get a better understanding of microservices and some of the authorization challenges developers need to consider. Microservices are everywhere — and securing them presents a unique set of challenges.

The OPA AWS CloudFormation Hook

With a history spanning more than a decade, AWS CloudFormation has been the tool of choice for many organizations moving their cloud deployments from “point and click” configuration and towards managing infrastructure as code (IaC). As a mature technology, CloudFormation has spawned an ecosystem of tools, documentation and examples around the stack — whatever one is trying to accomplish in this space, chances are good they’ll find relevant resources on the topic.