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December 2023

Safeguarding your online experience: A guide to blocking unsolicited ads with adblockers

The internet is a vast realm of information and entertainment. However, it's also riddled with a persistent nuisance: unsolicited ads. These intrusive advertisements not only disrupt your online experience but also pose significant security risks. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the intricate world of adblockers and their pivotal role in enhancing your cybersecurity by effectively blocking unsolicited ads.

Conversational AI vs. generative AI: What's the difference?

In the intricate world of artificial intelligence, it's essential to distinguish between the different AI technologies at our disposal. Two key domains that often lead to confusion are conversational AI and generative AI. Though their names might sound related, they are fundamentally different in their applications and underlying mechanisms. Let's dive into the realm of AI to elucidate the distinctions between these two intriguing domains.

Data breaches: In-depth analysis, recovery strategies, and best practices

In the dynamic landscape of cybersecurity, organizations face the ever-present risk of data breaches. This article provides a detailed exploration of data breaches, delving into their nuances, and offers comprehensive recovery strategies along with best practices. A data breach occurs when unauthorized threat actors gain access to sensitive information, jeopardizing data integrity and confidentiality.

Can any measures stop the rise of tech scams?

Tech scams are continuing to grow in scale and damage. According to CBS News, Americans have reported over $2.7 billion in losses to tech scams from social media alone. Further losses are being accrued through other sources, too, of course; but with that figure coming from one source, alone, the scale of the problem is laid out quite clearly. As more of the nation moves to a digital-first footing, these attacks are only likely to increase in volume, and scale, too.

The best Cybersecurity conference you never heard of

For the past 12 years in Austin, TX, the last week of October has been reserved for the Lonestar Application Security Conference (LASCON). Unequivocally, LASCON is the best cybersecurity conference you have never heard of! LASCON is the annual confab of the Austin, TX OWASP (the Open Worldwide Application Security Project) chapter. OWASP is a volunteer organization that is a treasure trove of application security information with things such as standards, discussion groups, documentation, and more.

Behind the Scenes: JaskaGO's Coordinated Strike on macOS and Windows

In recent developments, a sophisticated malware stealer strain crafted in the Go programming language has been discovered by AT&T Alien Labs, posing a severe threat to both Windows and macOS operating systems. As of the time of publishing of this article, traditional antivirus solutions have low or even non-existent detection rates, making it a stealthy and formidable adversary.

Unveiling the dark web: A professional's guide to ethical exploration

The dark web, often shrouded in mystery and intrigue, is a realm of the internet that exists beyond the reach of traditional search engines. While the Dark Web does harbor a certain notoriety for hosting illegal activities, it also contains valuable information and resources that can be beneficial for professionals involved in cybersecurity, threat intelligence, and investigations.

Protecting the enterprise from dark web password leaks

Referenced in popular films and television programs, “The Dark Web” has achieved what many cyber security concerns fail to do in that it has entered the public consciousness. It is generally understood that the dark web is a collection of on-line sites and marketplaces, notorious for facilitating illegal activities and harboring stolen information.

What is data-centric security?

Data is the lifeblood of organizations. It drives decision-making, fosters innovation, and underpins business operations. However, this wealth of data is scattered across multiple cloud platforms, making it an attractive target for cybercriminals, and rendering traditional approaches to data protection obsolete. This is where data-centric security comes into play. This article will explore the concept of data-centric security, why businesses need it, and the benefits it offers.

What is Cybersecurity threat intelligence sharing

Knowledge is power and collaboration is key for organizations to continuously adapt and improve their security measures in order to stay ahead of cybercriminals. An effective way to stay ahead is by enhancing an organization's security posture through cybersecurity threat intelligence sharing.

Have you accounted for AI risk in your risk management framework

Artificial intelligence (AI) is poised to significantly influence various facets of society, spanning healthcare, transportation, finance, and national security. Industry practitioners and citizens overall are actively considering and discussing the myriad ways AI could be employed or should be applied.

Las Vegas casinos targeted by ransomware attacks

Ever since the invention of internet browsers for personal computers came about in the 1990s, cybercrime has been on the rise. Almost 30 years after the invention of the Worldwide Web, cybercriminals have a variety of different methodologies and toolkits that they use on a daily basis to leverage vulnerabilities and commit crime. One of the most popular types of attacks that is used by threat actors is a ransomware attack.

Insights into modern fraud detection systems

Information security requirements and standards are in a constant state of evolution. Recent issues, such as COVID-19 and the growing global reliance on mobile devices and remote work solutions, have played important roles in this ongoing transformation. At the same time, the increasing sophistication of cyber attackers has added new layers of complexity to the cybersecurity landscape.

How team collaboration tools and Cybersecurity can safeguard hybrid workforces

Hybrid operations are becoming an increasingly prevalent part of the business landscape. Certainly, this offers some fantastic opportunities for companies to reduce overhead costs and gain access to international talent. Yet, there are some distinct challenges hybrid workforces face, too.